Supporting Florida’s Servicemen and Servicewomen on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just a little over a week away and Tampa businesses are gearing up for the holiday of love. For military families in the Tampa area though, holidays can be hard. Our servicemen and servicewomen who are currently deployed don’t get to celebrate special events with the ones they love, and often miss…

Comparta el camino con Florida Semi Trucks

¡Los accidentes con semirremolques son peligrosos y el equipo de Brooks Law Group está comprometido a proteger a los conductores de Tampa de este riesgo! Los semirremolques son una gran parte del tráfico de Florida, ya que dependemos de ellos para transportar mercancías dentro y fuera del estado. La I-4, la Autopista 75 y la…

Save for the Unexpected at ANY Age

For young professionals in Winter Haven, saving money should be a priority as it provides a buffer for unexpected circumstances. When you think about saving for retirement, investing for the future, or managing a financial portfolio, do you automatically equate that with an older generation? As a college student or young professional, you likely feel…

Know The Signs: What Camp Lejeune Victims Are Saying About Their Health

Were you stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina between 1953 – 1987? Did you or a family member live on base or work an on-site contracted position during that time period? The recently passed PACT Act could apply to you. Over the years since 1987, the truth about the water at Camp Lejeune has come out, and many veterans,…

Estadísticas Aterradoras: No Se Convierta en Víctima De La Distracción

Florida central es una meca para las personas que desean alejarse del clima invernal, y podemos entender por qué Winter Haven es un punto caliente (literalmente) para los turistas. Durante la temporada navideña, es común que las carreteras en el condado de Polk y sus alrededores estén muy ocupadas con personas de fuera del estado…

Scary Statistics: Don’t Become A Victim of Distraction

Central Florida is a mecca for people wanting to get away from winter weather, and we can understand why Winter Haven is a hot spot (literally) for tourists. During the holiday season, it’s common for the roads in and around Polk County to become very busy with people from out of state who have come to soak up…

What Was in The Water? 4 Dangerous Toxins Found at Camp Lejeune

By now, most people have heard about the toxic substances in the water at Camp Lejeune, and of the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination lawsuit. If you haven’t, you can read more about it on our blog, or you can learn more here on the Brooks site. While there are many discussions about the situation, the legal…

Accident with HART Bus Takes Life of Local Bicyclist in Tampa: How Can You Protect Yourself?

Bicycles are a common mode of transportation for residents in and around Tampa. Our year-round mild weather, large downtown scene, and many areas with lanes dedicated to those traveling on bicycles make it a prime place to spot people out on bikes… and a prime location for bicycle accidents. Unfortunately, where you have bicyclists and…

When Injuries Happen on The Job Site: What You Should Know About Construction Accidents

No matter where you work, how careful the safety regulations are, or what you personally do to protect yourself, accidents can happen on the job. Perhaps more than any other field of employment though, construction sites are a risky place to work and frequently lead to injured employees. While they vary in type and severity, this remains the same:…

Put Down the Keys and Pick Up The Phone: Call a Designated Driver

As we prepare to welcome 2023, we want to put out an important reminder for those who plan to ring in the new year with a few drinks with friends or family: Don’t forget to plan for a designated driver! Whether you’re heading to a friend’s home right here in Winter Haven to celebrate the…