Who Can Recover Damages for Wrongful Death?

The time after the death of a loved one is always tough, no matter the circumstances surrounding it. However, although both are painful, there is a difference between those deaths that occur naturally and those that occur because of someone else’s negligence. Unfortunately, many lives are lost yearly because of someone else’s negligence. In 2016 alone,…

What Types of Law Does the Brooks Law Group Practice?

On today’s Inside Look by Brooks, Steve Brooks talks about what types of law the Brooks Law Group practices. Find us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brookslawgroup/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/BrooksLawGroup Twitter: https://twitter.com/_brookslawgroup Introduction – the Types of Law Good afternoon! Steve Brooks here. Welcome to Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks. Today’s topic is: What types of law do we…

Uber Kills Pedestrian in Arizona

Technology plays a huge role in our daily lives, whether it’s when we are home watching TV or on our lunch break going through our social media. Technology is advancing at a very rapid pace, in the car industry, for example, a new type of car is being tested – an autonomous car, meaning, a…

Pedestrian Bridge COLLAPSES In Miami

On a normal day there are things we never think about happening, one of them is a bridge collapsing at broad daylight and killing innocent people. That is exactly what happened in Miami a few days ago. According to the Tampa Bay Times, before collapsing on cars waiting at a stoplight, the bridge was put…

Invokana.. Doing More Good Than Bad?

Diabetes is affecting millions and millions of people in the United States today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30.3 million people have diabetes; this means that about 1 in 10 people have it and unfortunately 1 in every 4 don’t know they have it. Once you are diagnosed with diabetes,…

Fatal Death in the Grand Canyon

When I think of the Grand Canyon I think of a beautiful, breath-taking sight. It’s one of those places that you hear about and have to see for yourself. I remember the first time I visited the Grand Canyon like it was yesterday; my friend and I decided to take a drive West right after…

Florida Wrongful Death 101: What You Need to Know

Nothing can prepare you for the shock of losing a family member in a sudden accident. The pain is only made worse if you learn that someone else’s recklessness caused the death. In Florida, the law allows close relatives to seek wrongful death compensation when a family member is killed due to another’s negligence. The…