All-Weather Driving Tips for a Happy and Safe Holiday Season

We at Brooks Law Group hope that everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday season! As you celebrate this special time of year with your families, we hope that you will keep in mind the following safety tips while driving. While here in Florida, we don’t have to worry about ice or snow on the…

GranuFlo and Naturalyte Trials Start January 2016

Granuflo is widely-prescribed dry acid used to evenly distribute electrolytes during kidney dialysis. According to its manufacturer, Fresenius Medical Care, “ts unique composition of evenly distributed electrolytes is the result of our exacting production technology.” And, finally, the manufacturer’s endorsement: “ith GranuFlo’s distinctive proportional component blend in each bag, you have made the safest choice…

How to Avoid Road Rage and Aggressive Driving Accidents in Florida

We’ve all encountered rude and angry drivers. And if we’re honest, most of us can admit to getting irritated behind the wheel before. But if those feelings affect our driving behavior, we become a danger to ourselves and others. Florida is one of the worst states for aggressive driving and road rage accidents in the…

High-Speed Tire Blowouts Blamed for Increase in Truck Accidents

The number of semitrailers on the road has risen in recent years. In fact, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)’s count of registered trucks across the country has grown from 8.2 million in 2004 to 10.6 million in 2013. Of course, with the rise in the number of trucks there are on the road, there…

It’s Not Too Late to File a Transvaginal Mesh Claim

Transvaginal mesh implants were once thought to be promising treatment option for women suffering from conditions like pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. The mesh implants were intended to provide support around key organs and muscles. Unfortunately, however, the frequency of complications related to the use of transvaginal mesh has dampened the promise of this…

Texting While Walking Puts Pedestrians at Risk

By now, everyone’s heard the message: texting and driving is bad. Very bad. Avoid it at all costs. What about just texting and … walking? Is that so bad? Yes, in fact, it is. Indeed, pedestrians who talk and text—“petextrians” as they are called—are on the rise, and so are pedestrian fatalities. Prior to the…

Despite Dangerous Side Effects, Xarelto Is Still on the Market

Taking any drug comes with the risk of side effects, and Xarelto, approved in 2011, is no exception. Xarelto is a blood thinner manufactured by Bayer and marketed in the United States by Johnson & Johnson’s subsidiary, Janssen Pharmaceuticals. Its purpose was to prevent dangerous blood clots that can obstruct blood flow to vital organs,…

Galante – The Key to Avoiding Set Offs of Prior Recoveries in the Same Case

This blog is provided to aid in understanding set-offs in the context of a line of cases starting with Galante v. USAA Casualty Ins. Co., 695 So.2d 456 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997). The following cases cover the issue of set-offs with the Galante twist. See: Galante v. USAA Casualty Ins. Co., 695 So.2d 456 (Fla….

Why Knowing Your Case’s Statute of Limitations is SO IMPORTANT

All personal injury accidents; such as, wrongful death, slip and fall, and other types of legal cases typically have their own Statute of Limitations. When you first think of Statute of Limitations, you may ask: what is that and why is it important? A Statute of Limitations is a specific period of time that you…

Suggested Insurance Coverage for Motorcycle Owners

The most common misconception by motorcycle owners is they believe they will be covered by their auto insurance or by the other driver’s insurance if they are involved in a motorcycle accident. In Florida, insurance is not required for the owner and/or rider of a motorcycle. However, you are required to have $10,000 in Med…

Winter Haven Gessler Clinic Worker Killed after being struck by Car of Coworker

One month ago in Winter Haven, a 40-year-old woman by the name of Tammy Ellison was killed when getting out of her car in the parking lot of where she was employed at Gessler Clinic. Ellison had just arrived at work in the morning around 7:50am. As she was walking into work, she was struck…

If a Loved One is killed in a Plane or Helicopter crash, what can be done?

Although the number of plane and helicopter accidents are decreasing, it is helpful to know what can be done if a loved one is killed as a result of one of these accidents. In the United States, over 1,000 people were killed last year as a result of plane crashes, and close to 500 people…

Does Your Child Know About School Bus Safety?

Monday begins a new school year for Polk County children. This time of year is filled with excitement and full shopping carts as parents furiously attempt to fulfill all of the supply list requirements and last-minute back-to-school tasks. It’s also the time that school buses start preparing to transport children to and from school. And…

I’ve Been in Accident With a Semi Truck, What Do I Do?

After you or a loved one have been in an accident with a semi truck or other large vehicle you will experience many emotions: fear, sadness, anger, and many more. But what should you do to best help your personal injury or wrongful death case? The following is a checklist to help you begin this…

Five Million Dollar Settlement for Traumatic Brain Injury

Nobody likes to hear the word “Brain Injury.” Brain Injuries are one of the scariest types of injuries known to man. One of the latest personal injury settlements in Polk County, Florida was for a gentleman who suffered from a brain injury. He received a 5 million dollar settlement. 5 million dollars is a lot…

Determining How Much A Case Is Worth?

One of the most common questions we are asked is “How much is my case worth?” Even though, Attorneys’ may use similar methods of analysis to help determine the value of your case, they also do extensive research. The two primary factors in determining case value: Injuries – Your injuries are going to be the…

Primary Seat Belt Laws Could Reduce Drunk Driving

Everyone knows drinking and driving is a bad idea. The statistics indicating just how bad an idea it is are startling: according to the Centers for Disease Control, almost 30 people die in this country from car crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver every day. Put another way, one person dies from car crashes involving alcohol…

Birth Defects Associated with Popular Antidepressants

Depression and anxiety plague many. While these afflictions can be debilitating, many find comfort—and sometimes simply the ability to function—in antidepressant medication. Paxil and Prozac are two antidepressant medications in a commonly-prescribed class known as SSRIs, or Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors. It is not known conclusively how depression begins; however, some experts believe that depression…

What is Mediation and How Does it work in a Personal Injury Case?

Mediation is an informal, confidential, non-adversarial negotiation process that is used to resolve disputes. Mediation is conducted by a neutral third party called a mediator. The mediator’s objective is to help the parties come to a mutually acceptable agreement, referred to as a settlement, to resolve their case. Often, mediation carries an informal atmosphere, which…

8-year-old Bicyclist Seriously Injured in Tampa

Learning how to ride a bike is the ultimate childhood rite of passage. Most remember the careful instruction of Mom or Dad during the learning process. After weeks of teeter-tottering down the street with Mom or Dad’s reassuring hand on the seat, one day, that hand disappears, and off the bike goes. Most childhoods are…

Which Family Member Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

Wrongful deaths are a tragic and devastating time for families who have lost a love one due to personal injury. In the year 2014, there were over 32,000 fatalities as a result of auto accidents, and nearly 14,000 people lost their life while on the job. During this tragic and devastating time, families are often…

The Difference Between a Car Accident and an Accident with a Semi Truck

Out of the two million people that die each year in the United States, over 32,000 people die as a result of an auto accident, and nearly 5,000 of those people who die as a result of an auto accident, were in an accident involving a semi-truck. Two million semis operate in the U.S., all…

Deadly Sorrento Accident Reminds Motorcyclists to Be Extra Careful

Driving a motorcycle provides a sensory experience that can allow one to feel footloose and fancy free. Feeling the wind blowing on one’s skin, the open road beneath one’s feet, taking in the sights and smells—there’s just nothing like it. As fun as riding a motorcycle can be, however, it is also risky. Motorcycles have…

How to Pick the Right Auto Accident Attorney

In the United States, nearly 5 million people are involved in an auto accident each year. More than 200,000 of those auto accidents happen in Florida. That’s around 555 accidents just in the state of Florida, a day! If you live in the state of Florida and have a valid Florida license plate, you are…

Follow Pool Safety Rules for a Happy and Safe 4th of July

For many Florida families, the arrival of summer means one thing: pool time. Indeed, there’s no better way to beat the heat than to jump in a pool of cool water, and owning a pool is a fun privilege. However, with privilege comes great responsibility. Pool owners may face liability when accidents occur, so due…