How Do I Find Respite Care for A Loved One While I’m on Vacation?

If you are the sole caregiver of an aging parent or medically fragile loved one, summer vacation is often stressful. We’re reaching the finish line and heading into summer here in Central Florida, and many local kids finish school this week. They’ll be ready to jump into vacation mode, but as a parent and as a…

Protecting Your Loved One from Nursing Home Abuse

More and more families are choosing assisted living homes or nursing homes for their parents or grandparents. These facilities can be a wonderful way to have your loved one close by while making sure they receive the specialty care they need. However, you might have also heard about cases of nursing home abuse and residents…

Nursing Home Abuse in the Face of COVID-19

Assisted living centers and nursing home facilities are there to care for those who most need it. As a consequence of COVID-19, these facilities had to double-down on resident safety. Unfortunately, this made nursing home abuse and suffering characteristic of nursing home stays. If you or a loved one have experienced nursing home abuse, you…

Slip and Fall – “Denying Gravity” A Local Play Starting A Chain Reaction

For many years now I have represented people who have slipped and fallen at stores, nursing homes, parking lots, you name it. It is human nature to think, “oh, well it was my fault I didn’t see the crack” or “I should have been more careful” and then to just go on about one’s day…

Steps To Take If You Suspect Abuse or Neglect of a Loved One in a Nursing Home

The decision to place a loved one in a nursing home is a serious one. When the time comes for an elderly family member or friend to be placed in the long term care; guilt, sadness and concern are all standard emotions. We want a place where they will be happy, find friends, be well…

Nursing Home Rights in the State of Florida

A number of Florida statutes exist to protect our beloved elderly relatives as they spend their final years in nursing homes. Agencies such as The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration, the Department of Elderly Affairs, and the Department of Children and Families regulate and help enforce these laws. The main purpose of these laws…

Florida Senate Bill 670 Signed Into Law Limiting Nursing Home Lawsuits

Less than a year after a Polk County jury awards over $1 billion in for wrongful death nursing home Case, Florida legislature passes a law limiting nursing home lawsuits. Last year, a Polk County jury awarded $110 million to the Estate of Arlene Townsend for the neglect and mistreatment she received which ultimately resulted in…

Nursing Home Responsibility for Abuse by Employees Comes to the Forefront in Theft Case

On November 20, 2013, an assisted living center employee in Seminole was arrested under allegations that she stole money from a patient at the assisted living center she worked at. According to the Tampa Bay Times, the employee allegedly stole a store credit card and debit card from the elderly resident and spent more than…

Florida Nursing Home Abuse – Malnutrition and Dehydration

Many people in Florida are in nursing homes or have a relative in a nursing home. The last thing people might think about when considering a nursing home is whether you or your loved one will be fed properly. But malnutrition and dehydration do happen. The danger of malnutrition and dehydration is not just discomfort…

Bedsores and Infections in Florida Nursing Home Abuse Cases

Florida is home to many senior nursing home centers. The elderly are attracted to Florida by the warm weather. Some elderly citizens need the help of a nursing home to manage the last years of their lives. Nursing homes are required, by Federal and state law, to provide proper care for their residents. Many nursing…

Nursing Home Abuse in Florida

Florida is home to many senior citizens. Many of these seniors, who can’t live independently, live in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. While we hope that our parents and grandparents will be taken care of by these homes and facilities, sometimes they don’t get the care that they should. Today, diseases like Alzheimer’s and…

Common Nursing Home Cases

Many nursing homes and assisted living centers provide crucial care for our loved ones in the end stages of their lives, but some nursing facilities are negligent in caring for their patients. This negligence can result in serious injuries or even death. If your loved one died in a nursing facility due to negligent care…