The Danger Lurking in Your Backyard: Florida Homeowners Worry About Pool Pump Explosions

Pool pump explosions. What are they, and why are more Tampa homeowners worrying about them? It’s an important topic, and one we’re ready to tackle head-on. In Florida, a backyard pool is as common as a car parked in the driveway. Thanks to our extreme weather, homeowners consider private pools as a huge asset, and…

Talcum Powder: Dangers and Lawsuits

Talcum powder, also known as talc, has a very muddied medical history. Since the 1930s, people have been skeptical to use it as a self-care product at home. A 1975 study discovered that a whopping 75% of ovarian tumors had talc particles in them. Finally, in 2020, self-care titan Johnson & Johnson discontinued the sale…

Does Talcum Powder Cause Ovarian Cancer?

In the past year or two, discussion of talcum powder’s link to ovarian cancer has been everywhere. Talcum-based baby powder has been used by women and small children since the early 1900’s, and it’s safe to say that millions and millions of people have been exposed to it over the past century. It’s no surprise…

Do You Have Ovarian Cancer After Using Talcum Powder?

Talcum Powder Linked to Cancer It has been found that the use of talcum powder routinely, for feminine hygiene practice, has been linked to cancer. Johnson & Johnson specifically has been held liable in many cases since 2016.  There is enough evidence to expose the fact that Johnson & Johnson has hidden information and knowingly…

Former NFL Player Merril Hoge Says Roundup Caused His Cancer

If you’ve followed the news lately, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about Monsanto’s herbicide named Roundup. It’s the most popular weedkiller sold in the world. Recently, Roundup has been facing a large amount of controversy. Across the country, thousands of lawsuits are pending against the company that produces Roundup. These lawsuits all claim…

Florida Fireworks: Two Men Killed on 4th of July

Every year, families and friends gather together on the 4th of July to celebrate Independence Day. People all across the country fire up their grills and prepare to celebrate the day with a bang. Sadly, it’s not always fun and games for those involved. You probably won’t be surprised to find out that emergency rooms prepare…

Did the FDA Help Hide Medical Device Failures?

The Food and Drug Administration is a federal agency that wears many hats. One of these hats is supervising and controlling medical device manufacturers for the safety of the public. The FDA maintains a public database of medical device failures, injuries and deaths. This database is a helpful resource used by physicians and surgeons to…

Are You At Risk for Mesothelioma?

The diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing event for everyone involved. Most of us have experienced first hand the damage a diagnosis can cause to an individual or family. In the United States, lung cancer is the leading cause of death by cancer. At a rate of 40.6 deaths per 100,000 people, it’s more than…

Americans Are Now More Likely to Die From an Opioid Overdose than a Car Crash

For as long as cars have been getting us from place to place, there have been associated dangers involved. We’re all aware of the potential for accidents, and even death. It’s something we’ve learned to deal with. Our lives now revolve around the ability to quickly travel from place to place. However, you might be…

Your Weed Killer May Be Linked to Cancer

Our country relies on the hard, often thankless, job of farmers and farmworkers. The sprawling fields full of crops help ensure that we have the food we need as a country to thrive. The agricultural industry has to fight pests and pervasive weeds to nurture their crops from mere seeds to the fully-grown product we…

Medical Malpractice: The Silent Epidemic

As far as scary two-word phrases go, medical malpractice has to be near the top. Every year, millions of Americans rely on their healthcare professionals to provide them with the care needed to fix their ailments. Our doctors, nurses and specialists went through many, many semesters of rigorous schooling, and they have years of experience…

As the Opioid Crisis Spirals, Hillsborough Officials Turn to the Law

When a company puts consumers in danger, the legal process is often the only method we have to hold them responsible. Take Takata, the now defunct airbag manufacturing giant, for example. They were forced to recall tens of millions of airbags, but it didn’t end there. They were also on the hook for a $650…

Generic High Blood Pressure Drug Valsartan Linked to Toxic Carcinogen

In the past few decades, we’ve all witnessed the rise of Chinese manufacturing. While it has decreased costs on many consumer products, it has not come without controversy. Beyond the loss of American jobs, there’s the question of safety standards. Are the countries we’ve outsourced to maintaining all the safety standards we’ve come to expect?…

Warning! Are your children safe to play with Crayons?

It is reported that some Crayons contain Toxic Levels of Asbestos… The safety of our children is of utmost importance. They are the future of our society, and it’s critical that we keep them safe throughout their development. I believe any companies that make and market products toward children must ensure their products are safe….

Are Proton Pump Inhibitors Causing Kidney Failure?

Have you ever experienced heartburn? Have you ever wondered what causes it? For some people, changing their diet is enough to control it, but what if it’s not? What causes heartburn? Stomach acid is a natural chemical needed in the digestion process. An excess of this acid or a misplacement of it (when it travels)…

Xarelto: A Drug that can cause a Patient to Bleed Out

If you have AFIB or have had a hip or knee replacement you are probably familiar with Xarelto. What is Xarelto? Xarelto is a drug used to prevent blood clots from forming by blocking specific proteins in your body. The dosage taken is different for each specific case; therefore, always follow your doctor’s directions carefully…

IVC Filters

Today on Inside Look by Brook’s, Steve Brooks talks about IVC Filters. Find us on: Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: Introduction Good afternoon and welcome to Friday’s Inside Look by Brook’s. I’m Steve Brooks with offices in Tampa, Lakeland, Winter Haven, and Auburndale. We’re an all injury law firm practicing here in the State…

Invokana.. Doing More Good Than Bad?

Diabetes is affecting millions and millions of people in the United States today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 30.3 million people have diabetes; this means that about 1 in 10 people have it and unfortunately 1 in every 4 don’t know they have it. Once you are diagnosed with diabetes,…

IVC Filters.. What should I know?

The inferior vena cava (IVC) is a large vein in the abdomen that takes blood from the lower part of the body back to the heart. IVC filters are small, wiry devices that attach themselves to the wall of the IVC and catch blood clots. IVC Filters are placed in the inferior vena cava in…

What is Mesothelioma?

Steve Brooks talks about the cause and symptoms of mesothelioma. Good afternoon, welcome to Inside Look by Brooks. Steve Brooks here for our weekly Friday 3 o’clock Facebook Live and today’s topic is what is mesothelioma? Now, if you’re like me and you watch TV occasionally I’m sure you’ve seen commercial after commercial about mesothelioma….

Mesothelioma – A Silent Killer

Have you ever heard of the medical term mesothelioma? If you have, you might have figured out that mesothelioma is a rare term and diagnosis to come across; however, it has changed the lives of thousands of people. In the United States, there are about 3,000 cases diagnosed a year. The problem with mesothelioma is…

This popular weed killer has been linked to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma!

Weeds have been a nuisance to all land owners since the beginning of time. It wasn’t until the 1970’s that the company Monsanto produced and marketed Roundup – a glyphosate based solution that would act as an herbicide for every-day use. This solution allows users to kill pesky weeds without harming surrounding plants. Roundup is…

Asbestos Found In Makeup Sold at Popular Tween Clothing Store: Justice. Is Your Child At Risk?

Nothing is more terrifying than the reality of your child being exposed to a chemical proven to have life-altering side effects. Recently, the news team at WTVD, an ABC station in Durham, North Carolina, reported that its investigation into the ingredients of cosmetics aimed at tweens has revealed frightening results about a product sold at…

Have You Had Hernia Repair Surgery? Important Information You Should Know About Physio-Mesh!

What is a Hernia? According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a hernia “occurs when an organ, intestine or fatty tissue squeezes through a hole or a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue.” The FDA explains that “hernias often occur at the abdominal wall.” Signs of a hernia “can be visible…

Considering a Hip Implant? Here’s Some Important Information You Need To Know

Only a few medical procedures have a 100% success rate. Unfortunately, hip replacement procedure doesn’t belong to this category of medical procedures. There are cases when patients are suffering after this procedure and using the hip implant. They experience complications or suffering and pain. If you find yourself in a situation like this, look for…