Know The Steps: 5 Things to Do After A Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident is scary, no matter how minor. Injuries, damages, and even deaths are all potential effects of vehicle collisions. They can traumatize both drivers and passengers, even if they did not sustain any physical injury. Hundreds of accidents occur each week in Tampa. In each one, drivers face the same…

Time to PLAY: Playground Tips for Winter Haven Parents

Winter in Florida? It’s time to get OUTSIDE! Cooler temperatures mean more time outdoors for adults and kids alike, and many parents of young children cherish days at the park or playground when they don’t have to worry about overheating, not bringing enough water, or their little ones being burned on the play equipment. Winter…

Know The Signs: What Camp Lejeune Victims Are Saying About Their Health

Were you stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina between 1953 – 1987? Did you or a family member live on base or work an on-site contracted position during that time period? The recently passed PACT Act could apply to you. Over the years since 1987, the truth about the water at Camp Lejeune has come out, and many veterans,…

Santa Brought the Sniffles: Now What? Tips for Tampa Residents

Did Santa bring more than presents to your home this season? If a cold or flu made its way down the chimney (or through your front door), your holiday might have been a little less than ideal. Instead of sipping hot cocoa and enjoying your Christmas gifts, once your family and friends went home you…

Can Tampa Drivers Handle A Big Freeze?

Over Christmas weekend, Florida experienced some unseasonably cold temperatures, and some locations even got ice! While that’s almost unheard of here in the Tampa area, it does occasionally happen, and as many driver’s experienced and will continue to experience during this cold snap, driving in freezing temperatures can be complicated. Some things to watch out for as…

Estadísticas Aterradoras: No Se Convierta en Víctima De La Distracción

Florida central es una meca para las personas que desean alejarse del clima invernal, y podemos entender por qué Winter Haven es un punto caliente (literalmente) para los turistas. Durante la temporada navideña, es común que las carreteras en el condado de Polk y sus alrededores estén muy ocupadas con personas de fuera del estado…

Scary Statistics: Don’t Become A Victim of Distraction

Central Florida is a mecca for people wanting to get away from winter weather, and we can understand why Winter Haven is a hot spot (literally) for tourists. During the holiday season, it’s common for the roads in and around Polk County to become very busy with people from out of state who have come to soak up…

Tips for Using Rideshare Services During The Holidays

Christmas is almost here, and for many people here in Winter Haven that means preparing to leave town and see family and friends for the holiday. If you’re one who plans to fly over the Christmas season, you’re probably familiar with the question: should you use a ride share service or should you leave your…

Get Your Tree Home Safely This Christmas!

There’s something magical about a real Christmas tree. People fall in love with the smell, the uniqueness of its size and shape, and even where it’s missing pieces or has a gap just big enough to hold a favorite oversized ornament. While real trees are certainly magical, they can also be a hassle to get…

What Was in The Water? 4 Dangerous Toxins Found at Camp Lejeune

By now, most people have heard about the toxic substances in the water at Camp Lejeune, and of the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination lawsuit. If you haven’t, you can read more about it on our blog, or you can learn more here on the Brooks site. While there are many discussions about the situation, the legal…