Will My Medical Insurance or Car Insurance Cover My Injuries from an Accident? Here’s What You NEED to know!

Car accidents can be very tricky. Logically, if you get into a car accident, you should be entitled to your fair compensation. Although insurance companies cover some expenses for your car accident, they are trained to give you as little compensation as possible. As such, understanding how insurance companies cover car accident injuries is critical…

You Won’t Believe What A Car Accident Will Cost You!

The answer here at Brooks Law Group is … Nothing, unless and until we make a recovery for you! Whether it is a “T-Bone” or a “Fender Bender,” car accidents can be very costly, especially if you don’t know what you are doing. Understanding how claims and lawyer fees work can help increase your chances…

You Are Involved in a Car Accident – Now What?

Every day, when we step into our vehicle, we run the risk of getting involved in a car accident. While we, most of the time, get to our destination safely, there is always a possibility that an automobile accident will stop us in our tracks. Well, what happens if that possibility turns into your reality?…

Did You Know Having Excessively Bright Headlights Could Put You At Fault For An Accident You Were Not Involved In?

HID stands for High Intensity Discharge commonly referred to Xenon (ZEE-NON) headlamps. We have all seen these super bright blue/white headlights once reserved for the most expensive automobiles. Today many manufactures include HID or even newer technology super bright CREE LED (Light Emitting Diode) headlamps as standard equipment, even on economy cars. HID and LED…

Are You Putting Your Child At Risk?

Child Car Seat Safety Tragically every year hundreds of children are killed in automobile accidents. Motor vehicle crashes are a leading killer of children under the age of 13 in the United States. Many child vehicle deaths could be prevented if the child were properly restrained. Child safety seats greatly reduce the chance of injury…

Why Carry Uninsured/Under Insured Motorist Coverage?

In Florida, the only automobile insurance that is required is Personal Injury Protection (PIP), also known as No Fault coverage. If you are injured, this coverage will pay up to $10,000.00 provided your injury is diagnosed as an emergency medical condition regardless of whose fault the accident may be. If not diagnosed as such, then…

Were You in An Accident? Let Us Help You Get Treatment!

When a person becomes the victim of an auto accident or a premise case their world is turned upside. As car accident attorneys, we get calls every day from those in Tampa, Lakeland and Winter Haven from people who’ve had this happen. They are hurt, their pain is intensifying, and none of this is their…

The Truth About Insurance

First and foremost we always need to keep in mind auto insurance carriers are for profit businesses that exist for the sole purpose of making money for their investors. They are not here to do you any favors. They are not here to lookout for you. Their job is to make money. To do this…

Are Cars Really Getting Safer?

If you follow the trends in automobiles then you are probably already aware of the latest safety features out there. Crash avoidance, adaptive cruise control, adaptive headlights, lane assist, blind spot warning, rear back up cameras, park assist, and driver drowsiness warnings are some of the latest technologies that at least one major insurance company…

You Snooze, You Lose!

Everyone understands the affect drinking and driving and texting while driving have on your ability to operate a vehicle. However, many people do not realize that driving while sleep deprived can be just as dangerous. A new study by AAA ( American Automobile Association) found that drivers with less than five hours of sleep are…

Have You Exhausted Your PIP Coverage?

Many clients come into our firm confused about how to treat injuries from an automobile accident. They’ve just received a letter from their insurance company stating, “Your personal injury protection benefits have been exhausted.” Clients have many questions. Can I still get treatment for my injuries if my PIP coverage has run out? The simple…

There’s No Such Thing As “Full Coverage”

Every week we have seriously injured clients come into our office. Some times after an investigation we discover neither the at fault driver or our client have any insurance to go after. In many instances this is a result of people not understanding what type of insurance they have. Whenever I first meet with a…

Death By App

Our roads are more dangerous than ever before. Every day people are seriously injured or even worse, killed due to auto accidents. Many of these accidents can be avoided. More Distractions Means More Car Accidents It is not uncommon to be driving around town and seeing distracted drivers. We see it every day, drivers who…

In An Accident? Insurance Companies Should Pay, Not You

If you were injured in an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence you may have a claim to recover damages for your injuries, lost wages, future medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering. Many people do not take the proper steps to take to have a successful claim. The insurance company is telling…

5 Tips to Avoiding Accidents as Roadways Fill With Snowbirds and Vacationers

It is devastating that after all of the educational dialogue, media frenzy and overall attention that has been swirling around distracted driving due to cell phones that we are still seeing deaths occur. This past Friday a teenager was killed in a car accident in Tampa and Hillsborough Police has determined that texting on a…

Car Wreck FAQ’s-Top 5 With Answers!

At Brooks Law Group, we know the time following a car accident is stressful. We have compiled the top 5 questions we hear from our new clients and have the answers that will help you get though this uncertain time. We want to help. Q: If I don’t feel injured after my crash, do I…

Mass Transportation vs. Personal Vehicles: Which is the Better Option

How does the safety comparison stack up? Do you know the most dangerous activity most human beings engage in everyday? No, it’s not skydiving or climbing Mt. Everest. It has been statistically proven that driving or riding in a motor vehicle of any kind is one of the most dangerous activities someone can do. In…

MADD Statistics Remind Everyone of the Dangers of Drunk Driving

Unfortunately, almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by a drunk driver. While drunk driving accidents can affect almost anyone who drives or rides in a car, drunk driving accidents are predictably more common among young people. Indeed, according to MADD, 40% of all 10th graders drink alcohol. In fatal crashes in 2014, the…

Studies Show Car Accidents are a Common Cause of PTSD

When one hears the term Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), they often think of a sad affliction that solely affects soldiers returning from battle. Indeed, PTSD does afflict members of armed forces who have witnessed and experienced traumatic events at an alarming rate. However, PTSD also affects persons outside of the hellish confines of war:…

Tips For Safe Driving in Severe Weather

As Floridians, most of us are used to driving in the rain. After all, we have been doing it since we received our license. Most safety websites will tell you that it is not a good idea for you to drive in the rain. While this may be true, this is not a reality for…

Is Your Teen Safe on the Road?

I can remember the feeling of freedom when I finally got my driver’s license. No more having to catch a ride with mom to the movies or football games. I also remember my mother telling me to be careful every time I left the house. Of course at the age of 16 I just thought…

Bus Drivers and Cell Phones-How Safe is Your Child?

Each morning thousands of children load the bus to be transported to school. As a parent you trust your children will get to school safely and with no problems. After all, it is reported that riding a school bus is 13 times safer than any other way of transportation. But then you drive by a…

All-Weather Driving Tips for a Happy and Safe Holiday Season

We at Brooks Law Group hope that everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday season! As you celebrate this special time of year with your families, we hope that you will keep in mind the following safety tips while driving. While here in Florida, we don’t have to worry about ice or snow on the…

How to Avoid Road Rage and Aggressive Driving Accidents in Florida

We’ve all encountered rude and angry drivers. And if we’re honest, most of us can admit to getting irritated behind the wheel before. But if those feelings affect our driving behavior, we become a danger to ourselves and others. Florida is one of the worst states for aggressive driving and road rage accidents in the…

Primary Seat Belt Laws Could Reduce Drunk Driving

Everyone knows drinking and driving is a bad idea. The statistics indicating just how bad an idea it is are startling: according to the Centers for Disease Control, almost 30 people die in this country from car crashes involving an alcohol-impaired driver every day. Put another way, one person dies from car crashes involving alcohol…