Author: Stephen K. Brooks

Florida Named One of Deadliest States: Pedestrians and Traumatic Brain Injuries

We recently wrote about the Tampa MOVES initiative and how it aims to make our roads safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. This comes at a good time, as the Governors Highway Safety Association recently named Florida one of the deadliest states for pedestrians. These numbers are based on 2022 accident reports, and cite Florida as…

Florida Men Killed While Changing a Tire: Risks of Changing A Flat Tire and How to Protect Yourself

Do you know the risk of changing a flat tire? We’ve all been there: You’re driving along and suddenly, you feel like something is “off” with your car. A pull, difficulty steering, and in some cars, an alert light on your dashboard panel lets you know you have a flat tire. Now what? Changing a…

What If Your Florida Vacation Goes Wrong? Helpful Advice for Victims of Out-of-Town Car Accidents

Are you gearing up for your Florida vacation now that schools are back in session? Many individuals without children choose to travel after the summer rush. Local attractions like Disney, Universal Studios, Cocoa Beach, Tampa’s Busch Gardens, and others are less crowded during the new few weeks as families are settling into a new school routine….

Tampa MOVES Initiative Creates a Safer City for Bicyclists and Pedestrians

We recently wrote about Tampa’s reputation of being friendly to bicyclists and pedestrians on our blog, and now we have more news to share! On Tuesday, Tampa unveiled the MOVES initiative, our first citywide mobility plan. This exciting development has been 3 years in the making and aims to improve road conditions, make local streets…

Share Your Ride Safely: Tips for Using Ride Share Services at Tampa International Airport (TPA)

Traditional taxis are becoming a thing of the past, with ride-share apps like Uber and Lyft taking the lead in transportation services. With hundreds of flights coming and going each day, Tampa International Airport (TPA) is a hot spot for ride-share services like these. However, unlike having a driver pick you up at home or…

5 Local Teens Lose Lives in Tragic Crash: What Would You Do as A Parent?

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: Your child has been injured, or worse, has lost his or her life, in a car crash. This tragedy became a reality for the parents of 5 local teens in June. The group was killed in a crash after finishing their shift at a nearby restaurant. All 5 were aged…

Deadly Weekend in Tampa Bay: Fatal Commercial Truck Accident Kills Driver

June brought many wonderful things to the Tampa Bay Area, but it also brought tragedy in the form of another commercial truck accident fatality. On Friday, June 9th, a 31-year old Tampa man lost his life when his work truck flipped on I-75 around exit 220. He struck the guard rail and died on impact….

Bicycle Accidents in Downtown Tampa: Why They Happen and What Victims Should Do

Brooks Law Group works with many Tampa bicycle accident victims, filing lawsuits to help them get the justice and compensation they deserve. Areas like the Riverwalk, Town-N-Country Greenway, the Upper Tampa Bay Trail, and Courtney Campbell Trail are all popular spots for bicyclists in Tampa Bay. Overall, bicyclists consider our city safe. Experts named Tampa a…

Premises Liability Vocabulary: Words and Phrases Victims Might Hear from A Lawyer

Following a slip and fall injury on someone else’s property, victims are left with many questions. What caused the accident? Who is at fault? Lawyers are there to answer these questions (and more) and help their clients navigate the process of pursuing justice. Sometimes though, navigating that process can leave victims with even more questions thanks to…

Protect Yourself This Summer! Florida Lawyers Weigh in on Summer Safety

We all love summer. School is out, days are longer, and Central Florida and the Tampa Bay area is booming with tourists and locals alike enjoying our beaches, lakes, theme parks, and sunshine. Summer doesn’t come without risks though, and as lawyers, we notice trends in accidents and injuries. Many of them could be prevented,…