Are you gearing up for your Florida vacation now that schools are back in session? Many individuals without children choose to travel after the summer rush. Local attractions like Disney, Universal Studios, Cocoa Beach, Tampa’s Busch Gardens, and others are less crowded during the new few weeks as families are settling into a new school routine. While there are fewer crowds, Tampa Bay’s roads are still busy. Traffic means a higher chance of having a car accident while on vacation, whether in your own vehicle or in a rideshare.
Car accidents and injuries can, and do, frequently happen to tourists in Florida.
What should I do if I’m injured in a car accident while on vacation in Florida?
Regardless of where you are at the time of your accident, some elements remain the same. Contact emergency services immediately (if able) and request help. While waiting for them to arrive, assess your situation. Are you seriously injured? Is there an imminent danger of a secondary crash (in the middle of a busy road) or is there fire/smoke coming from your vehicle? Are your passengers injured? All of these questions will shape your next steps. If you’re in danger inside the car and are able to move, get away from traffic and wait for help at a safe distance.
If possible, take pictures and/or video of the scene, your car, your injuries, etc., and retrieve any important papers and personal items. Officers will also take reports from nearby witnesses, interview all involved parties, record injuries/damages, and document the scene. Unless you are medically unable, call your insurance company ASAP after you finish with emergency services and let them know what happened. Your next step should be calling an attorney.
Should I use a local attorney if I’m injured in a car accident while on vacation?
This is a common question we hear from tourists visiting the Tampa Bay Area. It’s confusing, as you might have a relationship with an attorney in your own hometown. However, when injured while out of town, the jurisdiction of your accident falls under the laws in that state. You need an attorney local to the area. They understand the laws and can best build a case that gets the justice and compensation you deserve following your injuries. Tampa victims (including tourists!) trust Brooks Law Group to represent them in court following a car accident.
What types of damages can be claimed in an out-of-town accident?
This is entirely specific to the area where your accident occurred, but here are some general considerations:
Medical Expenses
Many victims claim medical expenses when injured on vacation. Ambulance services, emergency hospital care, medications, surgeries, etc. all fall under this broad category.
Property Damage
Your car, any lost personal items (computers, phones, etc.), and, in some cases, pets, all fall under property damage if you’re in a car accident while on vacation. It is imperative that you seek your lawyer’s assistance in identifying which lost or damaged items are eligible for inclusion in your claim.

Will your boss understand why you’re not back in the office?
Lost Wages and Lost Time from Work
You probably didn’t intend for your 3 day Florida vacation to turn into a 3-week hospital stay. Employers often fail to accommodate these situations, leading to a substantial decrease in your earnings. In some cases, lawyers can include this in your claim, dependent on the state’s laws.
Travel and Lodging Expenses When Injured in Car Accident While on Vacation
Did you have to get a hotel or extend your vacation rental while your injured loved one recovered? Have you incurred a substantial amount of expenses while being away from town during the processing of your accident? It is important to note that in certain states, legal and travel expenses are eligible for inclusion in your claim. Your lawyer will determine the expenses included in your settlement based on state regulations and the unique circumstances of your accident.
Contact Brooks Law Group when injured during your Tampa vacation!
Victims know Brooks Law Group stands up and fights on their behalf. We listen carefully to you and your loved ones, building a case that gets the justice you deserve and the compensation you need to heal and move forward. Our team gets results and makes sure you feel informed and empowered throughout your case. We specialize in representing out-of-state victims following their car accident while on vacation in Florida. Call us first and we’ll immediately start building your case. Our consultations are FREE, and you don’t pay unless we win. When vacation doesn’t go the way you planned, you can always Look to Brooks.