Author: Stephen K. Brooks

Serious Burn Injury – The Myth of the McDonald’s Hot Coffee Case

For years I have heard people use the McDonald’s coffee case as the poster-child of what’s wrong with America jurisprudence. I often hear comments like: “A woman spilled coffee on herself while she was driving and then blamed McDonald’s and got millions of dollars, how ridiculous!” The Insurance and Big business lobby shouts that greedy…

Part 3: Tampa Injury Claims defended – The Three “D’s” of the Insurance Industry: DELAY, DENY, DEFEND

U.S. insurance companies rake in billions of dollars in profits every year. How does the insurance industry make so much money? Unfortunately, many insurance companies–even the most well known and well respected–engage in dirty tricks and unethical behavior to boost their profits. Some of the most common tactics can be referred to as the three…

Auto Accidents of the Rich and Famous in FL

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 by Stephen K. Brooks Celebrities are vulnerable to car accidents like anybody else. Nick Hogan, son of professional wrestler “”Hulk”” Hogan, recently served approximately five and a half months in jail for a FL car crash in August that left his friend, John Graziano, with permanent brain injuries. Graziano was left…

Prescription Errors

Be Alert For Medication Errors: Rarely a year passes without the announcement of some new wonder drug to treat another disease. While more and better drugs are usually considered a good thing, the increase in the number of drugs available and in the number of drugs the average person takes has led to an explosion…