The Delivery Guy Brought an Accident: Now What?

In the last three years, delivery services have become the norm for households across America. From your favorite takeout restaurant to your toothpaste and groceries, you can have (almost) anything delivered right to your front door within a matter of hours. Because delivery services have grown astronomically though, the influx of new delivery drivers on…

Su conductor de Lyft tuvo un accidente, ¿y ahora qué?

Los servicios de viajes compartidos como Uber y Lyft han cambiado por completo la forma en que viaja la gente. Atrás quedaron los días en que los taxis solo estaban disponibles en las grandes ciudades o alrededor de los aeropuertos. Ahora, siempre puede obtener un viaje desde su propia casa, o su lugar local favorito…

What is Burden of Proof? Making it Easy to Understand

“Burden of Proof” is one of the most important terms in the legal world that you will ever need to know. Simply put, the Burden of Proof determines which party must prove that something happened in order to win the case. In a civil case, that responsibility falls on the person bringing the lawsuit –…

Your Lyft Driver Got Into a Car Accident. Now what?

Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have completely changed how people travel. Gone are the days where taxis were only available in big cities or around airports. Now, you can always get a ride from your own home, or your favorite local spot in Tampa, to anywhere else in the area. This convenience, while great for…

Comparta el camino con Florida Semi Trucks

¡Los accidentes con semirremolques son peligrosos y el equipo de Brooks Law Group está comprometido a proteger a los conductores de Tampa de este riesgo! Los semirremolques son una gran parte del tráfico de Florida, ya que dependemos de ellos para transportar mercancías dentro y fuera del estado. La I-4, la Autopista 75 y la…

Accident Prevention: Tips for Driving around Tampa Colleges

College campuses are so full of life, and it’s always a joy to drive through and relive one’s own days on their alma mater’s campus. Time with friends, hours in the library, favorite coffee bars or pizza places…there are so many things that make a college campus fun. Unfortunately, college campuses can also be a…

Know The Steps: 5 Things to Do After A Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident is scary, no matter how minor. Injuries, damages, and even deaths are all potential effects of vehicle collisions. They can traumatize both drivers and passengers, even if they did not sustain any physical injury. Hundreds of accidents occur each week in Tampa. In each one, drivers face the same…

Santa Brought the Sniffles: Now What? Tips for Tampa Residents

Did Santa bring more than presents to your home this season? If a cold or flu made its way down the chimney (or through your front door), your holiday might have been a little less than ideal. Instead of sipping hot cocoa and enjoying your Christmas gifts, once your family and friends went home you…

A Piece of History

I (Steve) recently spent a few days in New York City. New York is a fascinating city to say the least! It’s so interesting to witness all of the diversity; Little Italy, China town, Greenwich Village, Tribeca, Chelsea, Financial district etc. It occurred to me that New York is really a city of multiple villages each established…

Golpear las calles en Winter Haven: ¿Estás listo?

Puede que la Navidad haya terminado, ¡pero eso no significa que las tiendas de Winter Haven se hayan calmado! Esta semana estará ocupada con compradores que regresan o intercambian regalos, personas que gastan sus tarjetas de regalo y dinero en efectivo de Navidad, y se abastecen para las fiestas de Nochevieja. En todo el ajetreo…

Pedestrian Struck in Tampa Bay Area: Be Aware of Your Surroundings!

Pedestrian accidents don’t always happen when crossing a street or walking along a busy road. Last week in the Tampa Bay area, a pedestrian was struck outside of a CVS in Sarasota County. The Long Boat Key victim was standing near the glass doors on the front of the store at 505 Bay Isles Parkway when a…

Can Tampa Drivers Handle A Big Freeze?

Over Christmas weekend, Florida experienced some unseasonably cold temperatures, and some locations even got ice! While that’s almost unheard of here in the Tampa area, it does occasionally happen, and as many driver’s experienced and will continue to experience during this cold snap, driving in freezing temperatures can be complicated. Some things to watch out for as…

Estadísticas Aterradoras: No Se Convierta en Víctima De La Distracción

Florida central es una meca para las personas que desean alejarse del clima invernal, y podemos entender por qué Winter Haven es un punto caliente (literalmente) para los turistas. Durante la temporada navideña, es común que las carreteras en el condado de Polk y sus alrededores estén muy ocupadas con personas de fuera del estado…

Scary Statistics: Don’t Become A Victim of Distraction

Central Florida is a mecca for people wanting to get away from winter weather, and we can understand why Winter Haven is a hot spot (literally) for tourists. During the holiday season, it’s common for the roads in and around Polk County to become very busy with people from out of state who have come to soak up…

Tips for Using Rideshare Services During The Holidays

Christmas is almost here, and for many people here in Winter Haven that means preparing to leave town and see family and friends for the holiday. If you’re one who plans to fly over the Christmas season, you’re probably familiar with the question: should you use a ride share service or should you leave your…