How Much Is My Case Worth?

In many of the initial meetings I have been asked the question “how much is my case worth?”. There are many factors that determine the worth and settlement of a case, therefore, it is a question that always goes unanswered. Some people have come to our office and have had very high expectations and think…

What is Brooks Law Group’s “No Fee Promise?”

Today on Inside Look by Brooks, Steve Brooks talks about Brooks Law Group’s no fee promise for our clients. Find us on: Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: Introduction Good afternoon! Welcome to Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks. It’s a beautiful day here in Florida; low humidity and very cool weather. Very nice! So, I…

Personal Injury, Wrongful Death: What that Means

Personal Injury Cases Personal injury cases may come in the form of: Automobile accidents, aviation, motorcycle accidents, railroad, or truck accidents Dog attacks Drunk driving cases Medical malpractice Negligence Slip or fall And other unsafe accidents Personal injury cases can be resolved in two ways. The first way a case can be resolved is through…

Who is REALLY Representing You? This is a question you should be asking!

When you or a loved one is stuck in a sticky situation, you are usually inclined to hire an attorney. Whether it be a car accident or medical malpractice, an experienced attorney is necessary to ensure your safety and fair compensation. As such, knowing exactly who your attorney really is becomes very important when seeking…

Do You Understand Litigation?

Many times, insurance companies are not having realistic settlement talks. They are making low ball offers or are denying liability all together. When this occurs, we have to file an official lawsuit in the courts. Clients often do not understand the litigation process and what they should expect at every step of the way. Below…

What is Your Case Worth?

Many times, one of the first questions a client asks is “what is my case worth?”. This a complicated question and I never give an answer in the initial meeting. There are several areas that will affect the value of any settlement that will be unknown at an initial meeting. Below are several but not…

Have You Exhausted Your PIP Coverage?

Many clients come into our firm confused about how to treat injuries from an automobile accident. They’ve just received a letter from their insurance company stating, “Your personal injury protection benefits have been exhausted.” Clients have many questions. Can I still get treatment for my injuries if my PIP coverage has run out? The simple…

A Personal Injury Settlement Breakdown: How Much Goes in My Pocket?

“How much money will I get for my personal injury settlement?” It’s one of the most common questions we get at Brooks Law Group. It’s not hard to understand why. You’re hurt. You’re under serious financial strain, and someone else is responsible for your injuries. You shouldn’t have to pay. However, many factors determine how…

Are You in Pain?

Pain and Suffering: What It Is It, Am I Eligible to Be Compensated For It, and How Do I Prove It? When someone is hurt in an accident in a Florida city like Tampa, Lakeland or Winter Haven due to someone else’s negligence law allows the injured party to be compensated for his or her…

It is not “Too Good to Be True”..

We, at the Brooks Law Group, deal with clients at some of their lowest points in life, often caused by the neglect on someone else’s part. In some most cases, a person has just been injured and do not know which steps to take next. They are faced with mounting medical bills and a myriad…