What you Deserve if you are Legally Obligated to submit to an EUO (Examination Under Oath)

When you purchase automobile insurance in the State of Florida your insurance contract will likely have contractual language obligating you to submit to an EUO (Examination Under Oath) in the event you make a claim under the policy. Although you are legally obligated to submit to this examination, it doesn’t mean you have to submit…

Stage Eight of a Personal Injury Claim – Trial

This is the final stage (other than an appeal) of a personal injury claim. If our client (the plaintiff) and the defendant/defendants don’t reach a final agreement on a settlement throughout all of the other stages of a claim, this is the final option. The trial is when both parties go before a judge and…

Stage Seven of a Personal Injury Claim – Mediation

In my last blog post titled “Stage Six of a Personal Injury Claim-Filing the Initial Set of Discovery,” I talked about the gathering of evidence by both parties through subpoenas and discovery requests. This post is about the next step: Mediation. Mediation is necessary before a case goes to trial, unless a settlement is agreed…

Stage Six of a Personal Injury Claim – Filing the Initial Set of Discovery

In my last blog post, I talked about the fifth stage of a personal injury claim- Filing a Lawsuit. In this post, I am going to focus on Stage Six-Filing the Initial Set of Discovery. Most of you are probably wondering: “What is Discovery?” Discovery is, according to the Rules of Civil Procedure, the time…

Stage Five of a Personal Injury Claim – Filing a Lawsuit (If Necessary)

As I mentioned in my blog post titled: “What are the Eight Stages in a Personal Injury Claim?” many clients only reach Stage 4. To refresh your memory, Stage 4 is when we come to a final settlement agreement with the insurance company/companies. If and when the insurance company denies liability altogether, that is when…

Stage Four of a Personal Injury Claim – Negotiating with the Insurance Company/Companies (The Demand)

In my last blog post, I talked about reaching MMI-maximum medical improvement. This falls right into stage four, negotiating with the insurance company/companies (the demand). Without our clients’ reaching MMI, we are not able to negotiate with the insurance company/companies. You are probably wondering: “Why does the title of this stage list both insurance company…

Stage Three of a Personal Injury Claim – Treatment of Injuries until Reaching MMI-Maximum Medical Improvement

In my last post, I talked about the second stage of a personal injury case: investigating of the accident scene, property damage, and injury. In this article, I will be talking about an extremely important part of a claim-treatment of injuries until reaching MMI-maximum medical improvement. This is the stage of a personal injury claim…

Stage Two of a Personal Injury Claim – Investigation of Scene, Property Damage and Injury

In my last blog post, I talked about the first stage of a personal injury claim, the intake process and treatment. In this article, I will be talking about the second stage: investigation of scene, property damage and injury. In this stage, the insurance adjusters are usually the ones responsible for investigating the scene of…

Stage One of a Personal Injury Claim – Intake Process and Treatment

As I mentioned in the Blog prior to this one, there are 8 Stages in a Personal Injury Claim. In this article, I am going to be talking about the first stage, Intake Process and Treatment. At your initial intake appointment, one of our personal injury case managers will collect information about you, your injury…

What are the Eight Stages of a Personal Injury Claim?

I often get asked by new clients how long their personal injury case is going to take. The easiest way to answer this question is to look at the stages of a personal injury claim. Each claim is factually and medically driven and will take its own unique path. Personal injury stages: In a nutshell…

Brain Injuries – Attorneys Can and Will Help

A brain injury can easily come from a fall down the stairs, a sports accident, a car accident, and especially a motorcycle accident. It is very important to take all the proper precautions when your head is injured in any kind of way. You never know when your brain could have suffered severe injuries and…

Part 3: Tampa Injury Claims defended – The Three “D’s” of the Insurance Industry: DELAY, DENY, DEFEND

U.S. insurance companies rake in billions of dollars in profits every year. How does the insurance industry make so much money? Unfortunately, many insurance companies–even the most well known and well respected–engage in dirty tricks and unethical behavior to boost their profits. Some of the most common tactics can be referred to as the three…