Pedestrian Deaths Reach 28-Year High in 2018: What’s the Cause?

Every time we leave the safety of our homes, there are risks that we encounter. Whether we’re on foot or in a vehicle, we put our lives into the hands of others. We have to trust that the people zipping by us on the roads are paying attention and are in complete control of their…

Record-Breaking Rates of Pedestrian Deaths

Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks Welcome back to this week’s edition of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks. As always, we’re joined by our host, Steve Brooks, managing partner at Brooks Law Group. Today we’ll be talking about a recent report by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association. Based on preliminary reports, 2018 held the highest amount…

School Bus Crashes On the Rise in Recent Weeks

Recently, I wrote an article about a Pinellas school bus driver that has been involved in a shocking amount of crashes (11!) in his career. Sadly, school buses are back in the news. In the past couple of weeks, there have been a rash of accidents at school bus stops across the country. Last Thursday,…

Semi Truck Crash Statistics: What Do The Numbers Tell Us?

Recently, we’ve focused much of our attention on the topic of semi truck accidents. As our previous articles have revealed, we appear to be in the middle of a truck crash epidemic. Although increases in technology seem to have made our passenger vehicles safer, deaths from commercial truck crashes have continued to increase in recent…

Dump Truck Crash on US 301: The Facts and Figures

Recently, I’ve written articles about all manner of major truck accidents. When people think of a big truck crash, they probably think of commercial semi trucks. Much like our recent articles about the City of Tampa garbage trucks, there’s another type of truck making the news lately. I’m talking about dump trucks. It often feels…

Birthday Vigil Held for Bayshore Street Racing Victim

There are precious few things in life more tragic than the loss of a child. The loss of a mother and child together is even more upsetting. Most upsetting of all is when the tragedy was completely avoidable, like in the case of Jessica and Lillia Raubenolt. This is a follow-up to a blog we…

Operation Traffic Signal: Can two people and one signal make a difference at a Tampa area Hospital?

Have you ever tried to work with a government entity? The process can be so slow and time-consuming that it makes you wonder if it’s worth it. Usually there are hoops to jump through Mountains of paperwork to sign, and there never seems to be enough money. Fortunately, there are people out there that won’t…

Cell Phone Use or Safe Travels? It’s Your Choice

Driving has always been an activity that comes along with some risk. More than 90 percent of accidents in cars are caused by human error. When you’re piloting a couple tons worth of metal at high speeds, the consequences can be dire. That’s why distracted driving is such a hot topic today. For as long…

City of Tampa Garbage Truck Kills Retired School Teacher

We all know of the many dangers we can encounter on the roadways; however, we often forget that disaster can happen close to home. Walking down our neighborhood sidewalks can be a relaxing activity, and it contributes to our physical health as well. Even on a quiet street, accidents can happen. It’s important that we…

Most Dangerous Time & Day of the Week

Auto accidents occur all the time – every month, every week, every day. Have you ever thought about how many accidents occur daily? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), car accidents killed 37, 461 people in 2016 5.6% higher than 2015. Which are the least and most dangerous days of the week…