When you’re driving down the road, what are you thinking about? I often find myself splitting my attention between what’s going on in front of me on the road and what’s going on in my personal life. Driving is such a frequent, standard activity that we often forget that it requires our full attention. Things can go wrong in an instant. When it comes to truck accidents, they can go very wrong in the matter of seconds. Are you paying enough attention?
Truck Blind Spots
Many of the tragic accidents involving big trucks and passenger vehicles are easily avoidable. People seem to forget that the semi trucks around them can weigh more than 20-30 times as much as their car. When an accident strikes, the weight and size difference becomes very apparent.
- Around 1 in 10 of all highway deaths come from accidents involving a big truck
Not only are the trucks we share the road with much bigger, they also have much less visibility of the roads. There are many areas around a truck where the truck driver has no visibility at all. These are called blind spots, or no-zones. I’ve seen many trucks with stickers on the trailers that illustrate their reduced visibility. This helps remind other drivers on the road that the truck driver may not be able to see them. It doesn’t guarantee other motorists will pay attention, however.

Are You In a Blind Spot?
The blind spots, or no zones, represent the area around a truck where the driver is unable to see other vehicles. They also highlight the areas around a truck where other cars are so close that the truck is unable to stop or navigate the roads safely.
- If you can’t see the truck driver in their side mirrors, the truck driver can’t see you
There are blind spots found on all four sides of a semi truck. When a truck is turning or changing lanes, motorists should be even more careful. By the time a truck driver notices a passenger vehicle, it’s often too late to stop the crash from happening.
- In Front: When passing a truck, make sure you can see the entire truck in your rear view mirrors before you complete your lane change
- Left Side: Always pass trucks on the left side where their blind spot is smallest
- Right Side: Avoid being in this blind spot as much as possible. It’s the largest blind spot on a semi truck and it’s why you should never pass on the right
- Behind: You should never tailgate a large truck. Drivers are unable to see cars directly behind them, and their braking distance makes an accident much more likely
Contact Brooks Law Group
Were you or a loved one injured in a truck crash? Call our offices today at (800) LAW-3030 for your free case evaluation. When sharing the road with giant trucks, accidents are inevitable. People make mistakes, and others often suffer for it. That’s why you should choose a law firm with an experienced staff that care about you. At Brooks Law Group, our staff and attorneys provide the best client experience possible. If we don’t recover money for your case, then you don’t owe us anything! Visit us online or call one of our offices today and get the representation you deserve!