Motorcycle damaged laying in road after accident with helmet on top

Tampa Bay is a popular place. It’s reported that over 300,000 people moved to the state in 2023, and more continue to flood in each day. What does this mean? More motorcycle accidents with delivery trucks.

This seems like an odd statistic to study, but it’s a valid concern. Because of our year-round sunshine and sub-tropic climate, bikers love Central Florida. They frequent our roads, and enjoy the breeze on Interstate 4, or traveling around downtown Tampa. On our local roads at the same time are thousands of delivery trucks. Amazon, FedEx, UPS, and the USPS are just a few of the delivery services responsible for bringing goods to your front door. With the increase in online ordering and deliveries, and the uptick of motorcyclists in Florida, the two worlds were bound to collide.

And…they have.

More and more accidents involving motorcycles and delivery trucks happen across the US each day. This North Carolina biker lost his leg after an Amazon driver hit him. Another delivery driver killed a biker in Racine County (Wisconsin) when he turned in front of the motorcycle. These are just two examples of a much bigger problem.

Why are delivery trucks so dangerous to motorcyclists?

Motorcyclists interact with other vehicles on the road daily, so what makes delivery trucks so dangerous? There are a few key factors:

  • frequent stops that lead to dangerous rear-end collisions
  • sudden turns and lane changes in front of bikers
  • limited visibility of areas in front, beside, and behind the delivery truck or van
  • a tight schedule and ever-increasing quota
  • long hours that lead to fatigue, hunger, excess stress (related to drug/alcohol use)

With this many risk factors, it’s no surprise that accidents with delivery trucks continue to injure more and more drivers.

What should I do if I’m in a motorcycle accident with a delivery truck?

Like any other accident, here are the steps you should take if a delivery truck hits you while you’re riding your motorcycle:

  1. Call for emergency services. Police and EMTs should respond.
  2. Get any needed medical help for yourself or others.
  3. Document the scene if able. This includes exchanging information with the involved drivers, collecting video footage from your helmet camera or on-bike cameras, and taking photos of all injuries/damages.
  4. Call an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.

    man talks on phone in wheelchair sitting by hospital window. Wearing hospital gown.

    Call an experienced accident attorney as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident with a delivery truck!

What will a motorcycle accident attorney do for me?

Motorcycle accidents with delivery trucks can be more complicated than other types of commercial accidents.


Unfortunately, what you see isn’t always what you get…or what led to you being hit. Many drivers report accidents with Amazon drivers, only to find out Amazon claims no responsibility for the damages. This is due to Amazon’s use of DSPs (delivery service partners) that they employ to handle their expansive list of deliveries.

DSPs are third party companies, so while they have Amazon or Prime written on their trucks, vans, and uniforms, they are not in fact employed by Amazon. Rather, these companies are their own entity and must be handled as such. An experienced motorcycle accident attorney will know how to handle situations just like this.

Your attorney will take care of tasks like

Evaluating injuries and damages

Your attorney will look over documentation of your injuries and damages, and use this information to determine a reasonable compensation settlement amount. By evaluating your injuries, they make sure you get the assistance you deserve for ongoing treatments, therapies, and past medical bills.

Gathering evidence and determining liability

Evidence is key to proving your case, and an attorney has the resources needed to get that evidence. Witness statements, security film from nearby businesses, police reports, medical reports, and more are at their disposal. Accident lawyers use this information to determine liability in a case.

Insurance company negotiation

Insurance companies are a huge part of the motorcycle accident world. Therefore, knowing the lingo and loopholes gives experienced motorcycle accident attorneys a leg up in getting the compensation you need and deserve. We carefully (but confidently) negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.

We walk you through the legal process

The process of a motorcycle accident case can be overwhelming, especially to a victim who is still recovering from injuries. We provide advocacy and support, guiding clients through each step and making sure they feel empowered and informed. We take care of the negotations, phone calls, paperwork, and fight, making sure you get maximum compensation to cover current and future medical costs and other damages related to your accident.

Tampa Bay victims injured in motorcycle accidents with delivery trucks trust Brooks Law Group with their case. With years of experience representing individuals just like you, we get the justice you deserve after your accident. You don’t pay unless we win, which gives you peace of mind and confidence as you dive into the legal process.

Don’t take on the fight alone. Look to Brooks.