lineup of commercial vehicles in parking lot

Tampa’s population continues to grow, leading to an influx of commercial vehicles on the road. That also means an influx of victims impacted after experiencing an accident with a commercial vehicle. In fact, in 2022 alone, 3,193 injuries occurred on Florida’s roadways due to truck accidents. This startling number only continues to rise, with more and more trucks hitting our highways daily.

An increased population leads to more construction equipment (like dump trucks), semi trucks, and delivery service vehicles sharing the road with motorists. Unfortunately, unlike a “standard” fender-bender collision, commercial vehicle accidents are often serious.

What makes an accident with a commercial vehicle more dangerous?

Commercial vehicles, specifically trucks, are larger, heavier, and more difficult to stop. Because of this, they can be incredibly dangerous in an accident. An accident with a commercial vehicle often means:

  • more damage to vehicles and property
  • more serious injuries for involved victims
  • more motorists involved in a single accident

In addition, these accidents are complicated in most cases, as multiple parties are responsible for the commercial truck or van. The at-fault driver will be held accountable, and so will the company by which they are employed.

Some common commercial vehicles seen on Florida’s roads include dump trucks, box trucks (Uhaul, delivery services), semi-trucks, flatbeds, tow trucks, and work vans in various sizes. Any of these can be found traveling in and around Tampa Bay daily, making the likelihood of an accident with a commercial vehicle very high. Most often we see scenarios like:

Collisions with delivery trucks in neighborhoods

Pedestrian accidents and minor property damage are increasingly common with delivery trucks and vans in local Tampa neighborhoods.

damaged front bumper of semi truck after accident

An accident with a commercial vehicle is often serious!

Accidents with semi-trucks on highways

Side-swipe accidents due to blind spots are a frequent occurrence. It’s important to watch out for the danger zones when you’re driving near a semi-truck!


When a commercial vehicle is speeding, their brake time increases and they have less control. This can easily lead to an accident with a commercial vehicle.

Tire Blowouts

Tire blowout accidents are prevalent with semi-trucks. Their weight, long hours on the road, and Florida’s heat can cause tires to shred. This often causes drivers to lose control of the truck and potentially collide with other vehicles on the road.

As you can see, it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where you might be in an accident with a commercial vehicle while driving in Florida.

A commercial vehicle hit me…what information will my injury attorney need?

While each case is different, generally speaking, there is a list of information a personal injury attorney will need when taking on your case. Be prepared to provide:

  • a detailed account of your accident, including the date, time, location, and sequence of events
  • any medical records related to your injuries, treatment received, emergency medical services (including ambulance ride), hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, medicine, therapies, etc.
  • all photos and/or videos of the accident scene, damage, and your injuries
  • any witness statements or witness contact information
  • police report(s)
  • insurance information of all involved
  • copies of all communication with all parties and insurance companies
  • a list of expenses you’ve accrued as a direct result of the accident (this includes lost wages, necessary childcare, etc.)

Your personal injury attorney will weave this important information into a case that best represents you and your suffering.

Brooks Law Group is trusted most by Tampa’s accident victims.

The team at Brooks Law Group provides the skills and experience needed to build a case for victims like you. We work closely with victims who have been in an accident with a commercial vehicle, seeking out the justice they deserve and the compensation they need. Our contingency fee provides the peace of mind that legal bills won’t burden them when their case closes, as our clients don’t pay unless we win. Even our first consultation with you is free!

If you’ve been impacted by a commercial vehicle accident, contact us. Tampa Bay victims in need always Look to Brooks.