driver is at fault in semi-truck accident

Semi-truck accidents usually happen because of the truck’s attributes, but in last week’s DUI semi-truck accident in Ocala, the driver was the cause. Do you know what it means for your case when a driver is at fault in a semi-truck accident?

This is an important topic to cover here in our Struck by A Truck series. Semi-trucks are certainly dangerous because of their size, but the driver makes all the difference in the safety of motorists around them. Many truck accidents are actually caused by the driver, and are, in part, related to negligent or reckless decisions.

When is a driver at fault in a semi-truck accident?

There are a variety of factors that could leave a truck driver liable in an accident, depending on details of the case. Scenarios we see most often include:

Driver Fatigue

While not malicious in their intent, truckers who drive while fatigued are a danger to everyone else on the road. Thanks to their long hours, and mileage quotas, many truckers push themselves far past average physical limits. These drivers sometimes skip sleep to drive throughout the night, or decide to push through breaks to make better time. Driver fatigue can lead to:

  • nodding off behind the wheel
  • hallucinating (visually or auditorially) and reactivity (i.e. wrongly thinking you see something run into the road, swerving to miss it, and hitting someone or something else instead)
  • visual impairment (blurry vision, dry eyes, etc.)
  • headaches

Operating a rig while tired is a major factor in cases where courts find that a driver is at fault in a semi-truck accident.

Driving Under the Influence

As mentioned above, last Tuesday’s accident involving a semi-truck crash in Ocala was caused by a driver under the influence. Driving Under the Influence (known as DUI) can refer to a driver having used drugs or (and) alcohol before operating their vehicle. For semi-truck drivers, this is especially reckless behavior. One small mistake in a large rig can be catastrophic for others on the road. Thankfully, in last week’s accident on I-75, no one was seriously hurt.

semi truck driving at dusk

Do you know the signs of an impaired truck driver?

If you’re on the road and driving near a semi-truck, it’s important to recognize signs of driver impairment. Watch for:

  • swerving across lanes
  • driving excessively fast or excessively slow
  • sudden braking or repeated braking for no reason
  • running off the road

If you see this type of behavior, call 9-1-1 and report it to local authorities. You could prevent an accident and save lives!

Lack of Training and Experience

In today’s market, many companies are desperate for employees. This has led to poorly trained or inexperienced staff in multiple fields of work. When analyzing the trucking industry, it’s easy to see how hiring a driver not ready for the job could be a disaster. Understanding braking distances, how to safely change lanes, working with extensive blind spots, and reactions to a wide variety of road scenarios are all important skills for truckers. A driver not properly trained or experienced in these skills can be a danger to themselves, and everyone else on the road.

I was hit by a semi-truck. What should I do?

Did a semi-truck collide with your vehicle? It’s important to contact an attorney who specializes in these types of cases as soon as possible. Commercial vehicle accidents can’t be treated like any other “crash.” They involve multiple parties and lawyers must examine them carefully to determine fault. What’s more, these accidents often have farther-reaching consequences like severe injuries, wrongful death, extensive property damage, and even lost inventory for the business that hired (or owns) the truck.

As a victim, if the driver is at fault in a semi-truck accident, you could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, ongoing treatment, lost income, property damages, and more. That’s why your first step should be to call Brooks Law Group.

Brooks Law Group is here after your semi-truck accident!

Our team of experienced injury attorneys carefully analyze your case, taking all evidence into account. If a driver is at fault in a semi-truck accident, we take the measures necessary to hold them accountable, and get the justice, compensation, and help you deserve. We treat victims like our neighbors, not just another number. We commit to helping victims in their moment of crisis. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis, and you don’t pay unless we win.

Your first consultation is free, and will provide answers to your questions and clarifcation about what comes next. Call today to schedule yours, and let us take up your fight.

When you’ve been struck by a truck, it’s time to Look to Brooks!