Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking in Florida On this week’s episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks, Steve joins us to talk about a somber issue and one that will have a special focus for the Brooks team in 2019. The issue is human trafficking. Modern day slavery. You might even have a hard time believing some of…

Protect Our First Responders: Second Fire Truck Crash in 2 Months

Every day, first responders around the country put their lives on the line to protect us. In the face of such sacrifice, it’s our responsibility to support and watch out for them. Especially on the roads. On Sunday morning, a car traveling at a high rate of speed collided with an Orlando Fire Department engine….

Is Human Trafficking a Problem in Florida?

In a world so focused on personal freedoms and social activism, it can be hard to believe that something like human trafficking still exists. If it does exist, surely it can’t be going on in our neck of the woods, right? Wrong. There are more people in slavery today than at any point in history,…

Family Weddings and Drowsy Driving

Family Weddings and Drowsy Driving As always, we’re joined by Steve Brooks, managing partner of the Brooks Law Group. On this week’s episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks, we get a little personal. It’s wedding season! We’re excited for Steve’s niece, Blair, and her upcoming wedding this weekend. The whole gang is in town…

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident – 5 Steps

Tampa is a sunny city, with as many as 244 days per year of at least some sunshine. That makes the weather perfect for motorcycling. But the fun can end in disaster if a motorcycle accident occurs. Sadly, these crashes happen far too frequently in Florida. There were 7,978 motorcycle accidents in Florida in a…

Super Bowl Sunday

Inside Look – Super Bowl Sunday While accidents can happen at anytime, there are some dates where your risk is much higher. Holidays and special events like Super Bowl Sunday often mean there are more careless, alcohol-impaired drivers on the road. That’s more than enough to put you and your loved ones in serious danger!…

How to Combat Driver Fatigue: 3 Life-Saving Steps

Driving might be one of the most dangerous things most of us do every day. In fact, most motorists in the U.S. over the age of 16 spent an average of 50.6 minutes driving every day in 2016, even though 3 million people are injured in car crashes every year. Though not all roadway accidents…

Did the Government Shutdown Cost Us Critical Crash Evidence?

If you’ve turned on the TV or glanced at a newspaper in the past few weeks, there is no doubt you’re familiar with the government shutdown. While it’s over now, the shutdown may have affected areas of government you might not have expected. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has stated that this shutdown may…

Why Is Drunk Driving Still Killing Thousands Per Year?

We live in a world of information. There are statistics, numbers and reports for nearly every action we do. Somewhere, someone has calculated risk factors for everything under the sun. A quick Google search can even tell you how many people die per year from vending machines (2.18 per year). In this age of easy…

Second Place Scholarship Essay by Kavya Shah

Brooks Law Group Scholarship Second Place Winner by Kavya Shah Vincent Pascucci The evening of August 29th, 2017 was like any other in Florida: picturesque, complete with a cool summer breeze and an awe-inspiring sunset. Vincent Pascucci, a 27-year-old Winter Haven native known by his friends as Vinny, was soaking in the beauty of the…

Truck Accidents/Wrongful Death (Adult Children)

Truck Accidents/Wrongful Death for Adult Children Welcome back to another episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks with Steve Brooks, managing partner of the Brooks Law Group. On today’s Inside Look, we’ll be discussing the topic of wrongful death suits filed by adult children. Steve takes a look at the Florida laws governing wrongful death…

Americans Are Now More Likely to Die From an Opioid Overdose than a Car Crash

For as long as cars have been getting us from place to place, there have been associated dangers involved. We’re all aware of the potential for accidents, and even death. It’s something we’ve learned to deal with. Our lives now revolve around the ability to quickly travel from place to place. However, you might be…

Mother Files Lawsuit Against Trucker After Crash Kills 5 Children

Earlier this year, a trip to Disney ended in tragedy after five children were killed in a deadly semi truck accident. While all accidents are dangerous, the stakes are raised exponentially when a commercial truck is involved. In this disaster, more than just five lives were lost. Two truck drivers also lost their lives in…

Tiger Berto

Inside Look By Brooks – Tiger Berto On this week’s episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks, Steve Brooks takes a moment to reflect on the life of someone who helped change his life, Tiger Berto of Tiger’s World gym. Tiger Berto passed away on December 29 after battling an illness. Berto was know for…

Lawsuit Filed Against Tesla in the Wake of Teen Deaths

On Tuesday, a lawsuit was filed against Tesla, Inc. over the death of two teens. The lawsuit was filed by the parents of a Florida teen who was killed last year after a fatal crash in Fort Lauderdale. Was this a case of operator error or is there a bigger issue with the electric car…

How Do I File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

When a loved one dies due to the negligence, carelessness, or incompetence of another individual, their surviving family members are able to file a wrongful death suit against the person responsible. Wrongful death lawsuits are civil court actions that allow the family to collect monetary damages to assist loved ones in recovering losses for medical…

3 Reasons Overloaded Trucks Are So Dangerous

Each trip out of your driveway creates the potential for a car accident. The odds aren’t in anyone’s favor– with nearly 264 million vehicles registered and 218 million drivers holding a license, it comes as no surprise that about six million car accidents occur every year in the United States. While every motorist is at…

New Year’s Eve Safety Tips

Steve Brooks, managing partner of the Brooks Law Group, joins us today to talk about some safety tips as we all prep for the New Year! No matter the holiday, it’s almost a guarantee that someone, somewhere will get hurt. Hopefully these tips will help you keep all injuries away! Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks…

4 Killed in Christmas Day Car Collision

The holidays are a time for us to join together and spend time with family and friends. Every year, millions take to the roads to visit with their loved ones. Our streets become crowded with holiday traffic. The last thing any of us want to think about is the potential for a car accident during…

Kavya Shah – Second Place Winner of the Fall 2018 Scholarship

The Brooks Law Group Scholarship One of the things that brings me the most joy in my practice is helping others. I’ve spent my career fighting for justice on behalf of our clients for their personal injury, auto accident, social security and wrongful death cases. The Brooks Law Group has been blessed with over 25…

Florida Casino Boat Fire Investigation Reveals Shortcomings

Earlier this year, a casino boat caught fire off the coast of Port Richey. This tragic fire left 15 passengers injured and one passenger passed away shortly after being transferred to the hospital in critical condition. On Tuesday, the National Transportation Safety Board released the findings of its investigation into the boat blaze. What Happened?…

Spring 2019 Scholarships!

Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks – Spring 2019 Scholarships! On this Friday’s episode of Inside Look by Brooks, Steve Brooks announces our Spring 2019 scholarship information. This semester’s contest topic will be on the the recent rise in semi truck collision fatalities, the newest in safety technology, and why trucks today aren’t required by law…

4 Situations that May Require A Wrongful Death Attorney

When facing the loss of a loved one due to questionable circumstances, it can be hard to know how to move forward. While choosing to hire a wrongful death attorney will never make up for your personal loss, it can help your family find justice and compensation for the wrong that was done. Filing a…

4 Deadly Types of Semi-Truck Accidents

While all truck accidents are dangerous, no two truck accidents look exactly alike. Due to their immense size and somewhat unusual configuration, tractor trailers are prone to different kinds of accidents than other motor vehicles. Sudden stops, uncontrolled turns, poor weather conditions, and more can all trigger a variety of accidents, from jackknifing incidents to…

Spring Hill High School Student Killed in Motorcycle Crash

We all know that motorcycles can be dangerous. For the more than 8 million motorcyclists in the United States, the experience often outweighs the risks. When tragedy strikes, it’s far more likely for a motorcyclist to be seriously injured or even killed. It’s one of the sobering facts that all motorcycle riders must come to…