Lately, it’s hard to turn on the television or go online without being bombarded by bad news about the coronavirus. We’re in troubling and uncertain times. Our prayers go out for every individual who has been affected by this pandemic. Even with our current situation, it’s important to focus on some positive things at times. It helps us put things into perspective. Yes, we’re in a scary time, but focusing only on the negative can be exhausting.
That’s why we want to spend some time in the upcoming weeks focusing on the good things that people and organizations are doing in our community across the state of Florida. On this first post, we want to highlight the work Publix is doing to keep their employees and their shoppers safe on their essential grocery trips.
How Publix is Working to Keep Employees and Shoppers Safe
There have been a number of news articles lately about some of the measures Publix and other grocery stores have taken in the past couple of weeks to try and slow the spread of the coronavirus. Personally, I’ve already noticed a few of these actions on my shopping trips. The past few times that I’ve been to Publix, an employee has met me in the entryway with a shopping cart that they’ve just wiped down with sanitizing wipes. When I’ve gone to the checkout to pay for my groceries, I’ve observed the cashiers using hand sanitizer before handing me back any change. These are small actions that only add a few seconds to the process, but they can make a big difference when it comes to the spread of a virus.
Recent Changes in Publix Procedures
You’ve probably seen the signs posted outside your local Publix that the hours have been changed to allow their staff additional time to clean and sanitize. They’ve also instituted special hours in the morning for seniors to do their shopping, keeping high risk populations from the general public.
Just this week, Publix announced that all of their stores will have plexiglass barriers added to their registers, pharmacy counters and customer service areas. This will hopefully help protect their workers from being infected by shoppers who might carry the coronavirus.
Thanks for Caring About Your Staff and Customers!
We hope to have more updates for you about the work being done across our state to keep each of us safe and healthy. We have no business relationship with Publix, we’re just proud to see businesses taking extra steps to keep us all healthy in this troubling time.
If you are aware of any other companies, nonprofits or people going above and beyond in your community, we’d love to hear from you! Shoot us an email or give us a call and we’ll see how we can feature them next!