Author: Stephen K. Brooks

The Cost of Distracted Drivers

On this week’s episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks, our host Steve Brooks, managing partner of the Brooks Law Group, discusses the dangers of distracted driving. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. It’s a time for us all to take a look at how we’re managing our own distractions and to bring awareness of…

Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2019: The Facts

Every year, we lose thousands of lives to distracted driving. While our cars may be getting safer, the amount of distractions we have has only multiplied. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, sponsored by the National Safety Council. The goal is to bring greater awareness to the dangers of distracted driving and to prevent future…

What Florida Cities Have the Most DUI Deaths?

Every year, thousands of people lose their lives in accidents with alcohol-impaired drivers. In 2017, there were 515 DUI-related deaths in Florida alone. Although accidents can, and do, happen all across the state, not every area is equally at risk. Today, we’ll be covering the cities and counties with the highest rates of DUI fatalities…

Fatal DUIs: What Cities Have the Highest Rates in Florida?

On this week’s edition of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks, our host Steve Brooks, managing partner of the Brooks Law Group, shares a shocking report on the rate of fatal DUIs in our state. According to a recent study, Lakeland ranks #2 in the state for large cities with the highest rate of fatal DUIs….

Florida’s Crackdown on Texting While Driving

April is right around the corner now, and with it comes Distracted Driving Awareness month. Distracted driving is becoming more of an issue than ever in our tech-obsessed world. You’ve probably seen your fair share of drivers with their eyes on their phones instead of the road ahead. A current Senate bill is hoping to…

Defensive Driving? Not in Florida

There’s nothing like bumper-to-bumper traffic to get your blooding boiling. If you live in a densely packed city, you’re no stranger to what traffic congestion does to people. Tempers flare and defensive driving goes right out the window. According to a recent study, Florida cities are well-represented as far as aggressive drivers go. Are you…

Unanimous Verdict Delivered: Monsanto Facing Thousands of Lawsuits

On this week’s Inside Look by Brooks, our host, Steve Brooks, will discuss the recent verdict by a federal jury in a Roundup cancer related case. Monsanto is currently facing more than 9,000 lawsuits across the country, and this is the second major verdict against Roundup in less than 12 months. Unanimous Verdict Delivered: Monsanto…

UCF Center Established to Fight Growing Human Trafficking Problem

The University of Central Florida is taking a bold step in bringing attention to the growing problem of human trafficking. In recent years, the school has worked to be at the forefront of human trafficking research and to help build awareness. This year, a new Center for the Study of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery…

Cutting Corners to Cut Prices: The Walmart Story

We’re all familiar with the retail giant that is Walmart. While the chain started with a single store in 1950, today it is an international industry leader with stores across the world. Its meteoric rise to success has not come without controversy. Even in recent history, Walmart has been embroiled in charges of corporate corruption, employee…

World War 3 on Fat

Welcome back to this Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks. On this week’s episode, Steve Brooks will set down with Robert, a Social Security case manager at the Brooks Law Group. World War 3 on Fat! We’ve talked in the past about some of the health and wellness initiatives at our firm. This week we’ll look…

Did the FDA Help Hide Medical Device Failures?

The Food and Drug Administration is a federal agency that wears many hats. One of these hats is supervising and controlling medical device manufacturers for the safety of the public. The FDA maintains a public database of medical device failures, injuries and deaths. This database is a helpful resource used by physicians and surgeons to…

The Increasing Truck Driver Shortage in America

We’re joined as always by Steve Brooks, managing partner of Brooks Law Group, for another week’s episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks. The Increasing Truck Driver Shortage in America On this week’s episode, Steve tackles the topic of an increasing shortage of truck drivers in the US. A quick look at the numbers reveals…

What You Should Know About Florida Scooter Laws

Have You Ever Wondered About Florida Scooter Laws? Well, look no further! This week, a man driving a scooter caused a car accident after driving on Interstate 75 for an hour. In light of this news, it felt appropriate to take a look at Florida’s scooter laws and what they have to say about keeping…

Commercial Truck Accidents: Who Can Be at Fault?

Sharing the road with commercial vehicles can sometimes be dangerous. In fact, in 2016 alone, there were about 475,000 police-reported accidents that involved large trucks. Trucking accidents are pretty common and can often result in severe damage, both property damage and injuries. And unfortunately, unlike car accidents, it’s not always clear who is at fault…

Pedestrian Deaths Reach 28-Year High in 2018: What’s the Cause?

Every time we leave the safety of our homes, there are risks that we encounter. Whether we’re on foot or in a vehicle, we put our lives into the hands of others. We have to trust that the people zipping by us on the roads are paying attention and are in complete control of their…

Record-Breaking Rates of Pedestrian Deaths

Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks Welcome back to this week’s edition of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks. As always, we’re joined by our host, Steve Brooks, managing partner at Brooks Law Group. Today we’ll be talking about a recent report by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association. Based on preliminary reports, 2018 held the highest amount…

The Facts Behind Truck-Related Accidents and How to Avoid Them

With well over 260 million vehicles registered in the United States alone and nearly 218 million people with a valid driver’s license, it is no wonder that every single year, around 3 million are injured because of a car accident. Because of this, the team here at Brooks Law Group, is no stranger to motorcycle…

Are You At Risk for Mesothelioma?

The diagnosis of cancer is a life-changing event for everyone involved. Most of us have experienced first hand the damage a diagnosis can cause to an individual or family. In the United States, lung cancer is the leading cause of death by cancer. At a rate of 40.6 deaths per 100,000 people, it’s more than…

Health and Wellness at the Brooks Law Group

Health and Wellness at the Brooks Law Group Welcome back to this week’s Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks. As always, we’re joined by Steve Brooks, managing partner of the Brooks Law Group. We also have a special guest! Our firm administrator, Laura Johnson, stopped by to share some information on the wellness initiatives at Brooks….

Traffic in Tampa Cost Commuters Over a Billion Dollars in 2018

Drivers in Florida’s bigger cities are no stranger to traffic. Whether you’re in Orlando, Tampa or elsewhere, construction and congestion are two words you’ll quickly become accustomed to. Bumper to bumper traffic may raise blood pressure, but not all of its costs are health and stress-related. The Financial Cost of Traffic It’s no surprise that…

How Long Will My Truck Accident Case Take?

A truck accident can change your life in an instant. You should count yourself lucky indeed if you walk away unharmed after a collision with an 80,000-pound tractor-trailer. Sadly, many Floridians are not so fortunate. Florida ranks in the top 10 for the highest average number of fatal large truck accidents in the nation. Every…

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking in Florida On this week’s episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks, Steve joins us to talk about a somber issue and one that will have a special focus for the Brooks team in 2019. The issue is human trafficking. Modern day slavery. You might even have a hard time believing some of…

Protect Our First Responders: Second Fire Truck Crash in 2 Months

Every day, first responders around the country put their lives on the line to protect us. In the face of such sacrifice, it’s our responsibility to support and watch out for them. Especially on the roads. On Sunday morning, a car traveling at a high rate of speed collided with an Orlando Fire Department engine….

Is Human Trafficking a Problem in Florida?

In a world so focused on personal freedoms and social activism, it can be hard to believe that something like human trafficking still exists. If it does exist, surely it can’t be going on in our neck of the woods, right? Wrong. There are more people in slavery today than at any point in history,…

Family Weddings and Drowsy Driving

Family Weddings and Drowsy Driving As always, we’re joined by Steve Brooks, managing partner of the Brooks Law Group. On this week’s episode of Friday’s Inside Look by Brooks, we get a little personal. It’s wedding season! We’re excited for Steve’s niece, Blair, and her upcoming wedding this weekend. The whole gang is in town…