Client Testimonials Archive
“I did appreciate the personal touch” Ly’na’ shares her experience of a rear end collision that she suffered while with her nieces. Please tell us about your accident. I was headed home, leaving a daycare picking up my nieces. Another driver mistakenly thought that our light was changing to green and it was actually...
“I did appreciate the personal touch” Samuel shares his story of an rear end collision that caused pain in his shoulders and spine. Please tell us about your accident. Off of Cypress Gardens Road there’s an area that is- can stop pretty quickly. Some people will try to turn into a gas station and there’s...
“I was very satisfied” Maleddie tells us about a car accident that caused her considerable pain, and how she felt about her time with the firm. Please tell us about your accident. We were hit from behind, also on the passenger side, and the seat belt, when it hit, it knocked me into the front...
Christine tells her story of a getting broad sided and spun around at a red light. Please tell us about your accident. I got broadsided in February. She went through a red light and hit me right on the side, spun around, injured my back and stuff, totaled my car. Why did you choose Brooks...
Michael talks about his rear end collision and his experience in the aftermath. Please tell us about your accident. On my way home from work I was hit from the rear of my truck, heading south on 98 in Lakeland. Why did you choose Brooks Law Group? I didn’t know exactly what was going to...
Derrick shares his story of an accident with a motorcycle, and the bond he has developed with the attorneys at Brooks Law Group! Please tell us about your accident. I was driving Northbound on US 17, coming through town headed to a funeral one morning, and a guy on a motorcycle crossed the center lane...