What do personal injury case managers do?

The personal injury case manager assigned to a client’s file works directly under the direction of the attorney assigned to the file. They work very closely with the attorney and the client to make sure that we follow through with our mission to provide the best client experience possible.

How to choose a personal injury attorney?

Personal injury cases are not limited to vehicle accidents. A Personal Injury case can be caused by a slip and fall, dog bites, and many more. It is important that you find an attorney with a good standing at the Florida Bar as well as exemplary recognition throughout your state (such as awards, community outreach)….

How long will my personal injury case take to settle?

When your case is most likely to settle? Once you know your medical diagnosis and after you know all the responsible parties. Don’t settle before you know your medical diagnosis and the identity of all the responsible parties. While your case can be settled at any time, the next most logical time to settle the…

What should I include in a demand to an insurance company for a personal injury claim?

Once you have determined the insurance coverages available and obtained all medical records and bills, you must set forth the reason why the insurance company should pay a reasonable amount to resolve the claim. You must establish the elements of negligence: liability, causation, and damages.

Why hiring a personal injury lawyer?

A personal injury lawyer can handle the details. Injury attorneys can level the playing field. An experienced lawyer can prevent errors. Personal injury attorneys know what your case is worth. No fee unless you win.

How long will my truck accident process take?

This is a difficult question to answer and will vary from case to case. While many insurance providers prefer to settle cases out of court in order to avoid a costly legal battle, it isn’t always the case. Some truck accident cases can be resolved in 1-2 years, while others may take additional time to…

Why I need a truck accident lawyer?

Advice: The moment you are involved in a car accident, you are likely to experience thousands of questions that need answers. You need to have a clarification of whether the accident has been caused by acts of negligence or misconduct so that you can claim for medical treatment, but you can as well have hundreds…

What should I do after being involved in a trucking accident?

Seek medical attention: One of the first things you should do after being involved in a truck accident is to get medical attention. Whether you feel like you’re obviously hurt or not, it’s crucial you get looked at by a medical professional. Report the accident: Another important step to take is reporting the accident. A…

How to document a truck accident?

The names and contact information of all drivers and passengers involved. *eyewitnesses may be helpful The other drivers’ insurance information The year, make, model, and VIN for each vehicle involved The reference number for the police report and the responding officer’s name Pictures of the accident scene and vehicles involved Pictures of specific vehicle damage…

Who can be at fault in a truck accident?

The Driver: Like other vehicle accidents, the truck driver can be at fault for an accident. Distracted driving, driving while fatigued, and failing to comply with traffic laws can all result in the truck driver themselves being responsible for causing an accident. The Manufacturer: Sometimes, a truck driver can do everything right, but if something…

What to do after a motorcycle accident in Florida?

Check for your injuries: Unless you’re a medical professional, this simply means taking stock of the situation. Take pictures: The moments after a car accident can fly by quickly. You or the other person involved may just want to get out of there, but it’s vital to your insurance claim that you document the scene…

What are the Motorcycle Accident Statistics?

In 2015, 4,976 people died in motorcycle crashes, up 8.3 percent from 4,594 in 2014, according to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) report. In 2015, 88,000 motorcyclists were injured, down 4.3 percent from 92,000 in 2014. In 2015, motorcyclists were 29 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash…

How fatal are motorcycle accidents in Florida?

In addition to the 88,000 non-fatal injuries, there were 4,976 fatalities as a result of motorcycle crashes in 2016. 26% of the riders were alcohol-impaired 91% of the riders were male 36% of the riders were 50 and older 37% of the riders were wearing helmets

Tips For Motorcyclists

Wearing a helmet and protective gear prevents fatal injuries in a motorcycle accident. Although adult motorcycle riders in Florida are not required to wear helmets, wearing one can save your life. Be noticed: Drivers commonly cause motorcycle accidents when they fail to see an oncoming motorcyclist. Obey speed restrictions: Speed limits and other driving restrictions…

What are the main causes of motorcyle accidents?

Many of the most common causes of fatal motorcycle accidents involve other vehicles. When other cars are involved, the crash is often very harmful due to the vast difference in size between the two vehicles. The top three causes of crashes with other vehicles include head-on collisions, unsafe lane changes, and collisions when a car…

If I file a personal injury claim after my accident, will I have to go to court?

An attorney knows all the ins and outs of insurance and appropriate negotiation for an acceptable settlement amount for your case. If another driver’s insurance company agrees to pay what your attorney believes your case is worth, and you agree, then your case will not go to court. This is what happens in most situations….

Should I release my medical records to another driver’s insurance adjuster?

No! Medical record releases should only be signed under limited circumstances and only after consulting with your attorney . If your medical information gets into the insurance adjuster’s hands, it could hurt your case.

If I was not wearing a seat belt at the time of my accident can I still recover damages?

This depends on the state in which the accident occurred. In some states, if you don’t buckle up; it can negate or reduce any potential for damages received. In other states, this may not the case. Your attorney knows what the law is in your state, and will argue for your right to recover damages.

What if I believe the accident I was in was at least partly my fault?

Don’t assume fault or partial fault when you have been in an accident. It is difficult to be objective immediately after a crash when you don’t have all of the information. There are many possible causes such as faulty brake lights or directional, possible intoxication of the other driver, road issues, all which your attorney…

If I don’t feel injured after my crash, do I have to see a doctor?

It is highly recommended that both you and your passengers see a doctor after an accident. Doctors can recognize injuries that are not apparent to you. Fees for a doctor visit and medical treatment may be covered by your insurance. Do not settle claims from an accident until a doctor has examined and advised you…

What are the Florida law requirements for car damage insurance?

Florida requires all owners of motor vehicles to have a minimum of $10,000 in property damage liability insurance.

Who will pay for my car damage?

Possible scenarios: If the other party is at fault and the at-fault party has property damage insurance. The at-fault insurance company will pay up to the $10,000 minimum. If the coverage is more than $10,000 then the at-fault driver’s insurance will pay damages up to the limits on the policy. There is no deductible here….

How are insurance disputes handled?

The carrier you work with will influence how your vehicle accident dispute is handled. Disputes with your own insurance carrier – it depends on your insurance contract. Usually, they’re handled through an arbitration procedure. Disputes with the other party’s insurance carrier – if you or your lawyer can’t settle the case, then you or your…

What damages should I ask for?

Minimum Damage. Small scrapes and dents. You’re still entitled to get the cost to repair the car so the scrapes and dents aren’t there. Costs to repair. These are the costs to make your car look and operate the way it did before the accident Your car is a total loss. A total loss means…

Who should repair my car?

You have options on car repairs. The dealership where you purchased your vehicle will either repair your car or recommend a car repair company may be a good choice. Or, you could use a professional auto body shop near you with experience in repairing your type of car.