
We live in a world of information. There are statistics, numbers and reports for nearly every action we do. Somewhere, someone has calculated risk factors for everything under the sun. A quick Google search can even tell you how many people die per year from vending machines (2.18 per year).

In this age of easy information, there is no excuse to ignore the facts. We’ve heard for decades now how dangerous drunk driving is. This isn’t just word of mouth. We have piles of reports that show real world numbers for just how high the stakes are. So, let’s take a look at some of those numbers today.

How Dangerous is Drunk Driving?

The numbers don’t lie. Every year, we lose thousands of lives to drunk driving. It doesn’t matter how many safety features your car may have, alcohol-impaired drivers put you in serious risk on the road.

According to the CDC, 29 people die in the U.S. every day due to drunk drivers. That’s one death every 50 minutes.

Some more numbers for you:

  • In 2016, 10,497 people were killed by drunk drivers. That’s 28% of all traffic-related deaths that year.
  • 17% of the children killed in traffic accidents involved an alcohol-impaired driver

I don’t know about you, but these statistics are shocking to me. All of the facts lead to one conclusion. Drunk driving kills, and it will continue to kill until we fix the problem. Yet, more than a quarter of our country’s traffic fatalities still include drunk drivers.

28% of all traffic deaths were caused by a drunk driver

Who Is Most at Risk?

What sort of drivers are the most at risk for alcohol-impaired accidents?

  1. Young drivers
    Young drivers are far more likely to get in an accident as an alcohol-impaired driver. Among drivers above the legal limit, more than 50% of them were below the age of 34. More than a quarter were younger than 24.
  2. Motorcyclists
    Motorcycles are already far more dangerous than passenger vehicles. They require skill, experience and complete awareness at all times. Yet, of all motorcyclists killed in 2016, 25% of them were above the legal limit.
  3. Drivers with Prior DUIs
    Unfortunately, receiving a DUI and all of the fines and restrictions that come with it isn’t enough of a deterrent for some. Drivers with a BAC of .008 or higher that were involved in fatal accidents were 450% more likely to have had a prior conviction on their record.

Why Is This Still a Problem?

This is a bit of a rhetorical question for me, because I’m honestly not sure. It is easier today than it has ever been to stay off the roads when you’ve been drinking.

Our government has spent many years and lots of money trying to educate the public about drunk driving. This isn’t news to anyone, and yet we lose thousands every year still.

There are so many solutions to stop the problem, yet they don’t seem to be fixing the issue. If you’ve been drinking, it’s very easy to staff off the roads.

Choose a Designated Driver

Before you start drinking, you should have already made your plans to get home. Take turns with your friends or family as designated drivers. One person may have to give up a night of drinking, but it beats a lifetime spent in jail after killing another motorist.

Arrange for an Uber

In 2019, there are few places you can go where an Uber can’t reach you. Our phones now have the power to arrange for transport in a matter of minutes. You can pay a few dollars now, or you can pay thousands for a DUI conviction. It shouldn’t be a tough decision.

Contact Brooks Law Group

Drunk driving kills, and that’s something we all know. That doesn’t mean it isn’t still a huge problem. If you or a loved one has been injured by the negligence or impairment of another, you need legal representation.

At the Brooks Law Group, it’s our mission to provide you with the best client experience possible. If we don’t recover money for your case, you don’t owe us anything. Our attorneys and staff treat every case and every client like an individual. Connect with a firm that cares about you. Look to Brooks!

Steve was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. As was the practice for new doctors his father worked day and night during his medical residency at Charity Hospital there. Steve comes from a long line of doctors. His father, his grandfather, his great grandfather, even two uncles were all specialists and/or surgeons in their chosen medical specialties, including internal medicine specialist, obstetrics / gynecology, neurosurgery and general practice / surgery. His great-great grandfather was the Surgeon General of Ohio during the Civil War.