For those of us with family who live locally, the thought of Christmas travel and traffic isn’t something we have to deal with very often. However, for millions of Americans, the holidays are a time characterized by passing highway and state lines as they travel far and wide to spend this season with their friends and family. Any time there are more people on the roads, you can guarantee there will be more accidents. It’s no surprise that the Christmas season can be a dangerous one for those on the road.
The Science of Holiday Accidents
After years of research, data collecting and studying, we’re at the point where we can make fairly accurate guesses about the amount of injuries and deaths that will occur on the roads this holiday season. We just have to look at how long this holiday season will last and compare it to prior year’s data.
Since Christmas falls in the middle of the week this year, the holiday period reported by the NSC is calculated to only last for 1.25 days. They encourage caution when interpreting this year’s data as such short holiday periods are relatively rare and, therefore, they have less data on them.
Why Are Holidays on the Road So Dangerous?
There are a couple of main reasons for why holidays can be so dangerous and are often accompanied by so many injuries and deaths. The most obvious reason is that there are more people on the road. As millions of Americans pack their families up in their cars and set out on their holiday travel journey, the roads become congested. The more cars there are, the more likely an accident is to occur.
Another main reason is that holidays are often associated with increased alcohol consumption. While that’s fine in the safety of your home, it should stay off the roads. However, as people’s judgment skills and inhibitions are lowered from alcohol, they may choose to ignore common sense. When you combine alcohol with driving, the results are often deadly.
How Can You Stay Safe This Holiday Season?
Here are a few tips from your personal injury attorneys at Brooks Law Group for staying safe this holiday season:
- Stay Rested and Alert
The holidays aren’t always restful. As a matter of fact, they can be exhausting. Make sure that you’re getting good sleep and aren’t getting behind the wheel unless you’re sure that you can stay focused and alert. - Avoid Distractions While Driving
Of course, you need to keep all of the regular distractions at bay, including cell phone usage while behind the wheel. There may be some additional distractions if you’re loaded up in a car with your family. Children. We love them, but we also know that they can bring plenty of their own distractions on long car trips. Don’t let anything take your eyes and your focus off of the road ahead. - Don’t Drive Impaired
If you plan on celebrating this holiday season by doing any drinking with family or friends, then we hope you have a great time. As long as it’s in the safety of your home or your family’s home. Enjoy yourself, but don’t put the lives of others at risk. Don’t drink and drive.
Contact the Brooks Law Group
While we hope that each and every one of you stays safe this holiday season, sometimes accidents happen. When they do, you may need a Florida personal injury and auto accident attorney. Look no further than the Brooks Law Group. Our personal injury law firm has been serving the state of Florida for more than 25 years. You can trust that you’ve come to the right place for any injuries or accidents that might have occurred.
Give our offices a call at 1-800-LAW-3030 or fill out the online contact form located on our website for your free case evaluation. We don’t get paid unless we recover money for your case, and you’ll owe us nothing unless we win. Look to Brooks!