What are Granfuflo and NaturaLyte?
Granfuflo and NaturaLyte are drugs used to neutralize acid buildup during dialysis treatments. Dialysis is used to help people with kidney disease. The drug is manufactured by Fresenius Medical Care North America. Fresenius is the world’s largest provider of dialysis products and dialysis centers. Granfuflo is a powder concentrate. NaturalLyte is a liquid concentrate.
Complications From Taking Granfuflo & Naturalyte
Patients who have taken these drugs during routine dialysis treatment have suffered a range of heart and cardiology related problems including:
- Heart Attacks
- Cardiopulmonary arrest
- Stroke
- Other life-threating heart problems
- Death
The medications produced high levels of bicarbonate. Symptoms from the use of these drugs often occurred within 48 hours of treatment.
On March 29, 2012 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) announced a recall because of the lawsuits that were being filed because of the injuries. The recall was a Class I recall which is the most serious type of recall. Class I recalls are issued by the FDA when serious injuries or death could happen.
Lawsuits being brought
The allegations against Fresenius USA include claims that their product was defective, that they failed to notify other dialysis centers and physicians about proper usage and that Fresenius was aware of the defect before the recall. Because the heart is involved and the claimants already had kidney damage, the claims are usually for severe injuries.
Claims being brought against Fresenius include:
- Product liability
- Personal injury
- Breach of Warranty
- Misrepresentation
- Wrongful Death
When you should bring your claim?
The time to bring wrongful death claims is two years from the date of the wrongdoing. The time to bring the other types of claims (product liability, breach of warranty, etc.) can vary from two years to more years. Since the recall occurred on March 29, 2012, most injuries occurred before March 29, 2012. Two years from the date of the recall would be March 28, 2014. It takes time to start a claim. It’s wise to consult a Florida lawyer immediately and start your claim as soon as you can.
How our firm can help
If you or anyone you know has suffered serious injury or death because of the use of Granfuflo or NaturaLyte, please consult or law firm immediately. Time is of the essence. Our law firm help you get the recovery you deserve. During this difficult time we will help you receive the maximum compensation allowed by law and we will assist you through every step of the case. Our team of lawyers works with medical professionals, valuation experts, technical experts and other lawyers. If you or a loved one suffered an injury or a death please call us at 1-888-WE-MEAN-IT (1-888-936-3264) or email us at: [email protected].