After Hurricane Ian’s assault on Florida’s West coast and across the Central Florida area, the residents of Tampa Bay were breathing a sigh of relief while simultaneously feeling pity and empathy for those who were in the storm’s path. After having weather reporters project a direct hit to Tampa’s coastal area, we were braced for destruction, but sadly our neighbors just south of us took it instead. While we might not have received the brunt of the storm’s force, we did feel significant effects from it, and the evidence is still easy to see around Hillsborough County. Tree limbs and other debris littered local streets, and while cleanup crews have been hard at work, it’s a big job to complete and takes time.
Driving on local roads following a storm like Ian can be dangerous, even when winds have stopped and flood waters have receded. With debris on roadways, drivers need to be aware of a few key points to keep themselves, fellow residents, and our local city employees safe during the cleanup process. Remember:
- Drive more slowly through neighborhoods and on side roads. These areas are often the last to be cleaned up after a major storm as cleanup crews prioritize major highways and roads that get lots of daily traffic. Beware of large tree limbs, debris from storm damage to homes and other structures, etc.
- Watch for pedestrians. Individuals will be out cleaning up their own yards, and it’s not uncommon to have neighborhood children running to and from one another’s homes during the cleanup process. When you’re driving through residential areas in the days ahead, watch for people picking up debris near the road’s edge and be prepared to stop quickly.
- Be ready for frequent stops when driving near city vehicles. Cleanup crews will be making frequent stops as they make their way through your area. If you’re following behind, be prepared to stop. If or when you choose to pass in a legal area, be sure to look twice before carefully making your way around the stopped vehicle, and watch for the crew members as they’ll be working to pick up debris.
Brooks Law Group is thankful that our Tampa Bay neighbors made it through the storm without severe damage, and we’re glad to be able to jump right back into our local office and continue to serve our community. If you’re facing legal issues related to Ian, including pushback from your insurance company or an accident related to someone’s poor driving in the foul weather, we’re ready to take on the fight for you. Accidents happen, and when they do, Tampa knows to Look to Brooks! Call us for your FREE no-obligation consultation to discuss the details of your case.