As a victim, you might be wondering about the long-term effects of truck accidents and what that means for your future. Unfortunately, the number of people impacted by these collisions is steadily rising, with a 2.5% increase from 2021 to 2022. Polk County alone saw 1,948 commercial vehicle crashes in 2022! It should be noted that following a commercial truck accident, you’ll likely face physical, psychological, and emotional difficulties, and both seen and unseen injuries can wreak havoc on your daily life. It’s important to know how to recognize these injuries, advocate for yourself, and take positive steps toward healing.

What are the most common injuries in commercial truck accidents?

The long-term effects of truck accidents depend greatly on the kinds of sustained injuries.

Sleep disorders are one of the most common long-term effects of truck accidents.

Some of the most common physical injuries we see as truck accident attorneys are:

  • traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • internal injuries
  • broken bones
  • spinal injuries (including whiplash)
  • bruises, lacerations, and abrasions
  • muscle or nerve injuries

Subsequently, commercial truck accidents cause many psychological and emotional injuries. These include (but aren’t limited to):

  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • sleep disorders

To clarify, there are many possibilities when you are injured in a collision with a large truck. Many of these injuries are addressed immediately following the accident, or in the days and weeks afterward. However, some of these injuries could take months to show up and may take years to dissipate fully.

What are the long-term effects of truck accidents and related injuries?

Many of the injuries and conditions listed above require a lengthy healing process. Some of them may never go away completely. Examples of long-term effects of truck accidents and related injuries are:

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injuries can be as simple as mild concussion or as severe as total brain death (usually resulting in the victim’s death). Some brain injuries cause permanent damage, leading to cognitive impairment and difficulty with everyday tasks and function. Balance, vision, body dexterity, speech, and even one’s thought process are impacted by TBIs. Long-term victims of traumatic brain injuries tend to face many difficulties. These individuals often face years of medical procedures, therapies, personal assistance, and even professional care.

Spinal Injuries

Much like brain injuries, spinal injuries can vary greatly. A minor spinal injury, like whiplash, may not cause long-term effects. Alternatively, severe trauma to the spinal cord can cause total paralysis, even death. Victims may suffer from tingling, nerve pain, weakness, poor coordination, and more. Again, victims suffering ongoing, long-term effects of truck accidents face months, years, or even a lifetime of medical intervention to help them regain what was lost and learn how to manage in daily life.

Pain and long-term effects of truck accidents and injuries

Broken bones, muscle injuries, and nerve damage can all cause long-term pain for truck accident victims. Recurring pain is likely even after these injuries “heal” by doctors’ standards.

Emotional and Mental Trauma

Perhaps the most misunderstood of the long-term effects of truck accidents and injuries is psychological trauma. Mental and emotional trauma are pervasive after collisions with large trucks and commercial vehicles. Victims struggling with PTSD, anxiety, depression, and related disorders can struggle to cope with work, family, education, or hobbies. Something as simple as driving to pick up one’s kids from school is suddenly a scary and overwhelming feat. Riding to a doctor’s appointment can trigger a trauma response. Repeated nights without sleep drain your psychological and physical resources. The effects of mental trauma are far-reaching and impossible to heal with a simple procedure or medication. Years of therapy, and personal work, go into healing from these types of injuries. If you’re unable to work, need help with your household or children, etc., you deserve equal compensation to those whose injuries are physical and easily seen.

Regardless of the type of trauma, all victims deserve help when suffering from the long-term effects of truck accidents.

Brooks Law Group helps victims of the long-term effects of truck accidents.

After a truck accident, victims must navigate their injuries and recovery efforts on their own. Seeking justice feels overwhelming for many of them, and often they don’t know where to begin. That’s when Brooks Law Group steps in. Our team is here to fight for the justice you deserve and the compensation you need, especially for victims battling the long-term effects of truck accidents.

Attornies at Brooks Law Group provide personalized legal services and support and answer victims’ questions throughout their legal journeys. We believe that every victim deserves an opportunity to receive excellent legal representation. That’s why we offer our services on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t pay unless we win your case. Scheduling your free consultation is as easy as making a simple phone call, or filling out the contact form here on our site.

Don’t settle for less than the compensation you deserve after your accident. When a truck accident leaves you suffering from long-term injuries, Look to Brooks.