Secondary truck accidents happen more often than you think.

Do you know the dangers of secondary truck accidents?

While direct collisions with trucks are often severe, secondary collisions also threaten motorists on Florida’s roads. In fact, between 2017 and 2019, it’s estimated that over 1,200 secondary crashes happened in Florida, some of which involved commercial vehicles.

Just last month, four people died in a multi-vehicle crash on Interstate 95. A semi truck collided with the initial accident scene, setting of a chain reaction that devastated multiple families. Situations like this are a good reminder that secondary truck accidents are very real risks when you’re on the road, and taking the proper precautions can save your life.

What are secondary truck accidents?

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a secondary (or subsequent) crash as:

“A crash that occurs as the result of an original crash either within the crash scene or within the queue or backup in either direction.”

When large, commercial vehicles like semi trucks, delivery vehicles, or box trucks become involved, the level of severity in these secondary crashes goes up significantly. Their size, weight, and speed cause destruction not experienced with smaller consumer vehicles. When an accident happens between two (or more) cars, the scene automatically becomes vulnerable to secondary crashes. If a large truck comes upon the scene and is speeding, distracted, or unable to visually spot the accident in time, a secondary truck accident is likely to occur. The impact from the truck is, in many cases, as severe (or more severe) than the original crash. As in the accident referenced above, this secondary collision can cause a chain reaction with vehicles behind the commercial vehicle, resulting in more damage, injuries, and potential fatalities.

It’s important that the FHWA also notes that these accidents can happen anywhere. These crashes are not limited to major highways or congested areas. Even rural communities and back roads are at risk of secondary accidents.

How can drivers prevent secondary accidents?

There are two main areas of prevention when it comes to secondary truck accidents. Both are important to keep in mind when you hit the road.

While Driving…

  • avoid distractions – put down the phone or food and pay attention to the road
  • leave space between you and the vehicle in front of you – if they slam on brakes or experience an impact, you need time to react
  • slow down and move over if you come upon the scene of an accident
  • be aware – if approaching an accident scene or if a crash happens in front of you, be ready to drive defensively and avoid debris, other drivers, etc.

After an Accident…

Make your accident as visible as possible to avoid secondary collisions!

Make your accident as visible as possible to avoid secondary collisions!

If you’re in an accident with another vehicle, your response can prevent secondary accidents from happening.

  • move your car off the side of the road, as far as possible from traffic
  • if your car is undriveable and can’t be moved, turn on your flashers immediately
  • don’t stay in your car if you have other safe options – move yourself and your passengers (if uninjured) far off the side of the road or into a nearby open area (parking lot, etc.)
  • make your vehicle visible! If you have caution triangles or flares, using them can be helpful, as long as you can put them out safely

Know the steps to take before or after a collision. You play a part in preventing secondary truck accidents on our local roads.

Why should I call Brooks Law Group after a truck accident?

We are your truck accident legal experts, serving the greater Tampa Bay area with the best in representation. After a secondary truck accident, victims usually question who’s at fault. They wonder how they’ll be compensated for their injuries when the driver that hit them was (in many cases) a victim as well. We have years of experience working with clients in these situations. We bring the skills and experience needed to get to the root cause of the accident. By communicating regularly with law enforcement, accident reconstruction experts, witnesses, and other victims of the accident, we build a solid case. Our top priority is your well-being. You don’t pay unless we win, and your initial consultation with our attorneys is free!

You can count on our team to fight for the justice you deserve and the compensation you need. When it comes to secondary collisions in Central Florida, victims Look to Brooks!