Running Red Lights Follow-Up: Tampa Drivers

A couple of weeks ago, I looked at the shocking new study that had come out from the AAA Foundation that discussed the record high in deaths caused by running red lights. We’re back with a bit of a follow-up on that original blog article. Taking the information from the study and looking at Tampa…

Hit-And-Run: Tampa Man Arrested After Fatal Crash

Being involved in a car, motorcycle or truck accident is difficult and overwhelming enough. When one party chooses to flee the scene, it makes it far worse for everyone involved. I hope you’ve never been unfortunate enough to find yourself in that situation, but sadly it’s all too common. Instead of facing the consequences from…

Eight Children Injured and Driver Dead in School Bus Crash

It’s early in the morning and you’re hurrying your children through the pre-school routine. Teeth brushed, clothes on, lunch packed and they’re ready to head out the door and to the bus stop. Millions of American families start their day in the same way every weekday. As soon as they’re safely on the bus, you…

Brandon Woman Pleads Guilty to Deadly Alcohol-Influenced Crash

Of all of the foolish mistakes people make, driving under the influence has to be near the top. After decades of statistics and public service announcements, we all know the danger of driving while intoxicated. We know that thousands of people die every single year because of it. We have taxis, public transportation and even…

Drivers Running Red Lights: Most Deaths in a Decade

If there is one thing that we’ve continued to preach throughout our blogs, it’s that nothing is more important than arriving alive. I know how tempting it can be to press the gas a little bit harder or to drive a bit more recklessly when you’re running late. In our line of work, we see…

Reckless Driver Careens Off Howard Frankland Bridge on Wednesday Morning

Sometimes it feels like people will never be safe, respectful drivers. You can create 100 PSAs and spend millions educating people and yet you’ll never fix everyone. We’ve spent years highlighting the importance of defensive driving for our communities in Tampa and Winter Haven as personal injury attorneys. Every day we come face to face…

What To Do As A Passenger In An Uber Accident

Getting into an accident can be overwhelming for anyone. You’re shaken up, your adrenaline may be pumping and you have to remember what to do next. There is identification and insurance info to be collected, police to be called and damages to figure out. It’s no surprise that it throws people for a loop. What’s…

Save Teen Lives: 5 Tips for Staying Safe on the Road

Let’s talk about teen drivers. Every parent struggles to watch their child grow older and more independent and reaching driving age is a major part of this. It feels like one day you’re tucking them into bed and the next day you’re handing them the keys to the family car. This can be a scary…

Are Rideshare Services Like Uber Causing More Traffic Deaths?

In the last several years, we’ve witnessed the rise of an industry disruptor. Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have changed the transportation industry forever. As long as you have a smart phone, affordable transportation is almost always just a few minutes away. In some ways, Uber and Lyft have made our streets safer. It’s…

Tesla Self-Driving Features Have Drivers Dozing on the Roads

Sometimes it feels like for every step forward, we take two steps back. Tesla has been in the news again lately, but this time the focus is on the drivers, not the cars themselves. In the past year or two, multiple videos have popped up online showing Tesla drivers fast asleep at the wheel. These…

3 Steps to Take After Being Involved in a Trucking Accident

When you’re driving, it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re doing so safely and following all driving regulations. Unfortunately, even if you’re driving safely, accidents can still happen. In 2017 alone, 37,133 people died in motor vehicle accidents. And one of the most deadly types of accidents is trucking accidents. Whether it’s caused by overloaded…

Road Rage Has Deadly Consequences

It’s a little after 5pm, and you’re driving down the road. Maybe you had a tough day at work. Maybe you’re running behind to pick up your kids. Suddenly, you come upon another car driving several miles under the speed limit, or a careless driver who is clearly on their phone. There are many reasons…

What You Need to Know About Florida’s New Texting While Driving Ban

Last week, the Florida House approved a bill that would make texting while driving a primary offense in the state of Florida. Currently, texting while driving is a secondary offense in our state, which means that officers can’t pull you over for using your phone while driving without witnessing another traffic violation. Throughout the month…

Smartphone Use: More Dangerous Than Drunk Driving?

Driving under the influence isn’t only for drunk drivers anymore. There is a new dangerous killer in town: driving under the influence of phone use. For Distracted Driving Awareness Month, we’re taking a look at many of the distractions that make our roads unsafe. If there’s any doubt in your mind about how dangerous using…

Distracted Driving: How Big is the Problem?

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This month, we’ll be taking a look at several different aspects of distracted driving. We’ve already covered some of the shocking facts in a recent blog post. Today, we’ll take a look at how widespread the problem is and how many potential distractions there are for drivers. What Is…

Distracted Driving Awareness Month 2019: The Facts

Every year, we lose thousands of lives to distracted driving. While our cars may be getting safer, the amount of distractions we have has only multiplied. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, sponsored by the National Safety Council. The goal is to bring greater awareness to the dangers of distracted driving and to prevent future…

What Florida Cities Have the Most DUI Deaths?

Every year, thousands of people lose their lives in accidents with alcohol-impaired drivers. In 2017, there were 515 DUI-related deaths in Florida alone. Although accidents can, and do, happen all across the state, not every area is equally at risk. Today, we’ll be covering the cities and counties with the highest rates of DUI fatalities…

Florida’s Crackdown on Texting While Driving

April is right around the corner now, and with it comes Distracted Driving Awareness month. Distracted driving is becoming more of an issue than ever in our tech-obsessed world. You’ve probably seen your fair share of drivers with their eyes on their phones instead of the road ahead. A current Senate bill is hoping to…

Defensive Driving? Not in Florida

There’s nothing like bumper-to-bumper traffic to get your blooding boiling. If you live in a densely packed city, you’re no stranger to what traffic congestion does to people. Tempers flare and defensive driving goes right out the window. According to a recent study, Florida cities are well-represented as far as aggressive drivers go. Are you…

Traffic in Tampa Cost Commuters Over a Billion Dollars in 2018

Drivers in Florida’s bigger cities are no stranger to traffic. Whether you’re in Orlando, Tampa or elsewhere, construction and congestion are two words you’ll quickly become accustomed to. Bumper to bumper traffic may raise blood pressure, but not all of its costs are health and stress-related. The Financial Cost of Traffic It’s no surprise that…

Protect Our First Responders: Second Fire Truck Crash in 2 Months

Every day, first responders around the country put their lives on the line to protect us. In the face of such sacrifice, it’s our responsibility to support and watch out for them. Especially on the roads. On Sunday morning, a car traveling at a high rate of speed collided with an Orlando Fire Department engine….

How to Combat Driver Fatigue: 3 Life-Saving Steps

Driving might be one of the most dangerous things most of us do every day. In fact, most motorists in the U.S. over the age of 16 spent an average of 50.6 minutes driving every day in 2016, even though 3 million people are injured in car crashes every year. Though not all roadway accidents…

Did the Government Shutdown Cost Us Critical Crash Evidence?

If you’ve turned on the TV or glanced at a newspaper in the past few weeks, there is no doubt you’re familiar with the government shutdown. While it’s over now, the shutdown may have affected areas of government you might not have expected. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has stated that this shutdown may…

Why Is Drunk Driving Still Killing Thousands Per Year?

We live in a world of information. There are statistics, numbers and reports for nearly every action we do. Somewhere, someone has calculated risk factors for everything under the sun. A quick Google search can even tell you how many people die per year from vending machines (2.18 per year). In this age of easy…

Lawsuit Filed Against Tesla in the Wake of Teen Deaths

On Tuesday, a lawsuit was filed against Tesla, Inc. over the death of two teens. The lawsuit was filed by the parents of a Florida teen who was killed last year after a fatal crash in Fort Lauderdale. Was this a case of operator error or is there a bigger issue with the electric car…