refusing alcohol

Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers

Advocating for DUI Accident Victims in Florida

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are injured and 32 people lose their lives as a result of drunk driving accidents in the United States, according to the CDC. Brooks personal injury lawyers have first-hand experience with the devastating effects of DUI accidents in Florida. A life permanently changed, a family torn apart, and a community left to pick up the pieces—that’s what each number really stands for.

When you look to Brooks for help, our drunk driving accident lawyers fight by your side and support you and your family through your losses. We’re work hard to make sure you receive the compensation you need.

Call 800-LAW-3030 (800-529-3030) for a free initial consultation with a Florida DUI accident attorney at our office.

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You’re Not Alone After a Drunk Driving Accident

You’re not alone after a drunk driving accident when you consult with the Brooks Law Group. Our drunk driving accident attorneys are waiting to hear from you.

Unlike other lawyers offering DUI legal counsel, our legal representatives dedicate themselves to personal injury law and have extensive experience in the field.

Learn more about us.

What is a High Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?

Everyone’s alcohol tolerance is different but in the eyes of the law, tolerance doesn’t matter. From a legal perspective, charges of a DUI occur when an individual’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels are above Florida’s state standards of .08. At least, that’s for adults over the age of 21. But if the driver is under 21, Florida’s zero tolerance policy drops the illegal limit to .02.

However, even a little alcohol in the driver’s bloodstream is enough to raise eyebrows at the scene of a vehicle crash. Driving while intoxicated is defined as any kind of driving with a BAC level of at least.01%. That’s as little as one glass of wine or less than a single can of beer, says forensic toxicologist George Behonick.

What Is Too Much?

Behind every DUI accident was someone who chose to get behind the wheel even after they drank one too many. And under the influence of alcohol, their judgement was wrong.

Turning the key in the ignition was all too easy, and no one stopped them from pulling away. Even though they barely remember the specifics of that night, the people they have harmed will always remember the tragedies they caused.

Ideally, no one should drive after drinking. Yet they do.

Even though the government has made extensive attempts to educate the public about the risks of drunk driving, people continue to ignore the dangers. Forbes Advisor asked 10,000 licensed drivers and found that 42.18 percent of them have seen someone else drive after consuming more than one alcoholic beverage.

Drug-Impaired Driving: Not Just Alcohol

And When We Helped a Victim Win Over 1 Million Dollars

Though driving under the influence (DUI) is typically associated with alcohol, that’s not always the case. It is against the law to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of anything that can affect judgement or behavior.

This encompasses a wide range of substances, including:

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Cannabis
  • Methamphetamines
  • Opiates
  • Over the counter (OTC) medications
  • Prescription drugs

Whether the drug is legal or not, driving while inebriated is dangerous for the driver and everyone else around them.

This was the case when a doctor, under the influence of sleeping pills, side swiped and pushed our client off the road. 

The legal team at Brooks established that the doctor’s driving impairment was due to the drug and everything fell into place. Even though the insurance company refused to provide over $40,000 at first, our client walked away with $1,022,197.60. Browse More Case Results

And now we want to help you! Don’t accept your insurance company’s original offer. First, contact our lawyers and find out if you can get more.

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Overcoming DUI Tragedies with Brooks Law Group

Unfortunately, the police may not be around to pull a driver over for a DUI, even though their blood alcohol levels and the speed of their vehicle can be above the legal limit.

Tragedies like these happen so quickly, and the damage they cause can be catastrophic. Multiple vehicles are often damaged and people of all ages can be involved, even infants and young children.

No one wants to experience the nightmare of being in a car accident brought on by an intoxicated driver. And we understand that the shock is hard to overcome -– DUI tragedies are a burden no one should have to bear. But for your own sake, you should hire a lawyer for your drunk driving accident case right away.

You need legal help if you are facing the consequences of a drunk driver’s accident to receive maximum compensation for your damages. Before you speak with the police or contact your insurance company, call us.

As a victim of a DUI accident, what are my rights?

As the victim involved in a criminal case, such as a DUI accident in Florida, you have certain rights, including the following:

You have the right to…

  1. be treated fairly and with respect.
  2. be informed of what’s happening and kept informed of developments (if you ask for it).
  3. not be scared, bothered, or hurt by anyone involved in the case, and to be kept safe from the person who hurt you by the court.
  4. have your possessions returned to you quickly if the court takes them as evidence.
  5. talk to the prosecuting attorney, the lawyer who is trying to prove the person who hurt you is guilty.
  6. be present at trial.
  7. have your voice heard during criminal proceedings.
  8. seek recompensation for any harm you’ve suffered, including financial damages for things like medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress.
  9. seek restitution if the driver responsible for your injuries is found guilty of driving under the influence.
  10. give a victim impact statement, which is a statement that can be made verbally or in writing.

When a negligent driver is intoxicated, they are even more liable under Florida law. If you or your loved one were involved in a DUI accident, speak with one of our personal injury attorney’s immediately.

We want to listen to your story and help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Get Your Free Case Review

What Can I Receive Compensation For?

If a drunk driver violates the law by operating a vehicle while their blood alcohol level is higher than the legal limit, then they are held to a higher standard of liability in any accident that they cause.

This makes them responsible for your:

  • Vehicle damages
  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • And more

But insurance companies don’t want to give you the maximum amount you can receive. And you may struggle to prove the driver was under the influence at the time of the accident.

That’s why you need a lawyer by your side who understands the legal system, knows your rights, and has a track record of success that you can trust. If you want to learn more about your rights after a drunk driver accident, contact us to learn about your options.

Looking for a “Drunk Driver Accident Lawyer Near Me?”

If you’re searching for a “drunk driver accident lawyer near me,” you’ve come to the right place. Call our office at 800-LAW-3030 (800-529-3030) to schedule a free initial consultation with a Florida attorney who is dedicated to your case.

Our goal is to obtain the maximum compensation for our clients. If you are suffering from an injury and need a drunk driving car accident lawyer in Florida, look to Brooks for answers.

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