
When unsafe drugs or medical devices hurt you or people you care about, you have the right to turn to the legal system to get help.

Brooks Law Group has had the honor of representing people in Florida who were harmed by pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, and other products.

Pharmaceutical and medical device companies are responsible for offering people safe products and warning people about the possible risks.

However, sometimes it’s revealed that patients and even doctors were not properly informed of the risks of certain unsafe drugs and devices. In cases like those, you often have the right to legal action and compensation.

Often people don’t even know that the drug they’ve taken or the medical device they’ve used may have caused serious health issues. Brooks Law Group is committed to providing Florida communities with the legal help they need to stand up against the companies responsible for unsafe prescription drugs and medical devices.

Brooks Law Group is here to help give you legal help on these

  • drugs
  • devices
  • products
  • and situations.

Pharmaceutical Drugs:

  • Pradaxa
  • Lipitor
  • Bay
  • Nexium
  • Actos
  • Avandia
  • Bisphosphonates

Medical Devices and Products:


Drug Medical Device attorney circleDon’t see a drug or device you suspect caused health problems to you or someone you care about? We still want to hear from you. Fill out our free case review form! We will be happy to go over your case and let you know the resources that are out there to help you.

Sometimes it’s revealed that patients and even doctors were not properly informed of the risks of certain drugs and devices.

Request A Free Case Review

Lawsuits against drug and device companies often argue that consumers and doctors were not properly warned of potential risks, or that drugs were not adequately tested, or that the drugs were aggressively marketed to encourage misuse.

When drug and device companies don’t follow the legal guidelines meant to keep patients safe, Americans have a right to turn to the legal system to hold companies accountable.

Blood Thinners

Blood thinners are often prescribed as a preventative measure to help those who are at risk of a stroke, sometimes after a hip or knee replacement surgery. The effects of a class of blood thinners known as anticoagulants come with a different risk though — uncontrolled bleeding.

Pradaxa Lawsuits

Like Xarelto, Pradaxa was developed to reduce blood clots. Developed by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, the drug was meant to prevent strokes as an anticoagulant. It’s also known as Dabigatran. Since its approval by the FDA in 2010, more than 4,000 people have reported issues while taking the drug, with over 542 deaths.

A settlement was reached in 2014, awarding $650 million to the more than 4,000 victims who suffered because of the drugs. However, those who have not made claims still have rights. Contact Brooks today for more information.

Cholesterol Drugs

When cholesterol leads to buildup in arteries, it can raise your risk for a heart attack or stroke. Unfortunately, many of the medications often prescribed to lower cholesterol can lead to other health problems.

Lipitor Lawsuits

Prescription drug giant Pfizer tried to prevent consumers from having the opportunity to purchase a generic brand of its popular cholesterol drug, Lipitor. That means they had to continue paying more than $3 a day for the medication instead of less than $1 a day that the generic would cost.

Lipitor is the most widely used prescription treatment for lowering cholesterol in the United States and is sometimes called Atorvastatin. It generates more than $11 billion annually for Pfizer. In 2002, Ranbaxy, an Indian pharmaceutical company, was the first to challenge Pfizer’s Lipitor patents and announce plans to make a generic version when Pfizer’s patents expired in March 2010. In June 2008, Pfizer and Ranbaxy announced a settlement agreement whereby Ranbaxy was authorized to sell its generic version of Lipitor in several foreign countries before the expiration of the patent. In exchange, Ranbaxy would delay marketing its competitor to Lipitor in the United States until November 2011. Under FDA regulations, this would also prevent any other competitor from marketing a Lipitor generic until that time.

If you’re a Polk County or Hillsborough County resident who suffered complications after using Lipitor, Brooks Law Group wants to help you understand your rights. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation case review.

Zocor Lawsuits

Zocor, also known as Simvastatin, was developed by Merck as a drug to reduce cholesterol. Unfortunately, it was found to increase the risk of developing a painful muscle-wasting condition called rhabdomyolysis for certain dosages.

People who took the 80-milligram dose of Zocor (the highest approved dosage of the medication) reported serious side effects compared to patients taking lower doses of Zocor and possibly other drugs in the statin drug class.

If you have reason to think that taking Zocor harmed your health, contact us today to find out your rights to take legal action.

Baycol Lawsuits

Baycol is a cholesterol-lowering medication that was initially approved by the FDA in 1997. Health problems that have been attributed to Baycol usage include death, kidney failure, liver injury, and a rare disease called rhabdomyolysis. Rhabdomyolysis can cause severe muscle pain, most frequently in the lower back and calves.

It can also lead to fatal kidney failure and other organ damage. Other symptoms of rhabdomyolysis include muscle pain, weakness, tenderness, fever, dark urine, nausea, and vomiting. If you used Baycol and you experienced any of these symptoms when taking Baycol, contact us for help with an investigation into your rights to pursue a claim.

Stomach Issues

Each year thousands of Americans turn to medications to resolve digestive health issues that seriously detract from their quality of life. But some of those medications can lead to a whole different set of problems.

Nexium Lawsuits

Nexium, also known as Esomeprazole, is often prescribed to treat heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease by reducing the level of acid in a person’s stomach.

Recent studies have also suggested that the drug may cause an increased risk of chronic kidney disease, nephritis, and renal failure in those over 50 who take the drug for longer than a year. Other studies have shown that the class of drugs Nexium belongs to, proton pump inhibitors or more commonly called PPIs, might even increase the risks of certain kinds of strokes.

We urge those who suffered serious health conditions after taking Nexium to look to Brooks today. We can offer a no-obligation, free consultation to let you know your legal options.

Reglan Lawsuits

Reglan is a drug used for short-term relief for esophageal ulcers and gastrointestinal reflux disease, also known as GERD. But long-term use can cause Tardive dyskinesia and other movement disorders, especially in children and the elderly.

On Feb. 26, 2009, FDA warned against the long-term use of drugs that contain Reglan (metociopramide). It is approved for the short-term, no longer than three months, treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in people who haven’t responded to other treatments, and to treat diabetic gastroparesis, slowed emptying of the stomach’s contents into the intestines.

The FDA is requiring that the drug label carry a boxed warning about the risks of using Reglan, also called metociopramide, for a long time or at a high dose. Manufacturers must ensure that patients are given a medication guide that discusses the risks of the drug each time they receive this medication from a pharmacy.

If you suffered serious side effects after using Reglan, Brooks can help with a free evaluation to explore your rights.

Type Two Diabetes

Each year, more than a million people are diagnosed with Type Two Diabetes, a serious health condition that can lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease, and stroke. Regrettably, many who turn to some diabetes medications suffer serious health problems as a result.

Actos Lawsuits

Also known as Pioglitazone, Actos is used to treat Type Two Diabetes. Some research has suggested a link between the drug and an increased risk for heart failure as well as a link between the drug and bladder cancer.

The FDA has notified healthcare professionals and patients that data from an ongoing, 10-year epidemiological study shows a need for more research on the medication’s possible increased risks.

Since the law requires drug makers to ensure their products are free from unreasonable defects or dangers, if you’ve suffered after taking Actos you may have legal actions you’re able to take. Contact Brooks today for a free case evaluation for more information.

Avandia Lawsuits

Avandia is used to treat Type Two Diabetes by increasing the body’s sensitivity to insulin, thus reducing high blood sugar levels. Also known as Metformin, some medical literature suggests a link between the drug’s use and serious heart-related health problems.

In 2013, the drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline settled lawsuits for the sum of $229 million for cases alleging the drug caused serious health issues as well as other claims against other products the company owned. In this, the company provided no admission of wrongdoing.

Click here to learn more about Avandia.


Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which a patient’s bones become brittle and fragile. Treatments for the condition, however, can also lead to further bone trouble.

Bisphosphonates Lawsuits

Bisphophonates are a class of drugs to treat osteoporosis often sold under the drug names of Fosamax, Actonel, Boniva, Didronel, Aredia or Skelid. The drugs are meant to prevent bone fractures.

Medical research suggests that the drugs may cause osteonecrosis of the jaw, a condition that results in chronic pain and disfigurement and is difficult to treat, as well as long bone fractures and esophageal cancer.

Because of the serious, negative health consequences, many people have chosen to file lawsuits to recover damages suffered after taking the drug. If you believe you may have suffered because of a bisphophonate, look to Brooks today for a case review.

Birth Control

Millions of women in America turn to birth control pills each month, often to make their cycle more manageable or even to treat medical conditions like PMDD and migraine headaches.

Yaz Lawsuits

Unlike many birth control pills on the market, Yaz contains Drospirenone. Drospirenone may increase the level of potassium in a woman’s blood. Some medical literature suggests this may cause serious medical issues, including stroke, blood clots, DVT, and pulmonary embolism.

Click here to learn more about Yaz.

Men’s Hormonal Treatment

Each year millions of men use testosterone therapies to treat the negative health effects that come with a decline in testosterone production.

Testosterone Treatments Lawsuits

Low testosterone in men can cause fatigue, mood swings, weight loss, and muscle loss. To combat that, many men turn to testosterone products for treatment. These treatments come in the form of gels, creams, patches, tablets, and injections.

Unfortunately, some testosterone treatments have been linked to heart attacks, strokes, and other serious side effects.

Click here to learn about Testosterone Treatments.

Diet Drugs

Due to the health risks of obesity, such as stroke, sleep apnea, diabetes, and gallstones, people turn to medication to reach a healthy weight. Sadly, some of those medications don’t work — or worse, some diet drugs may lead to serious health issues.

Meridia Lawsuits

Attorneys at Brooks Law Group are investigating claims on behalf of the users of Meridia, a drug manufactured by Abbott Laboratories.

Because of reported cases of heart damage related to the use of this drug, the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen has been lobbying the FDA to withdraw Meridia from the market. If you were a Meridia user and you would like assistance with an investigation into whether you have a viable claim, please reach out for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Mental Health

Drugs to treat mental health conditions have been around since the 1950s, and have grown into a class of drugs to help people suffering from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and schizophrenia. However, not all of these drugs are created equal, with some causing serious negative health outcomes.

Serzone Lawsuits

Serzone is an antidepressant that has been linked to liver failure in some medical records.

According to the manufacturer, Bristol-Myers, the rate of liver failure associated with Serzone use is about three to four times greater than that for non-users. The FDA now requires that package labels for the product include warnings that “cases of life-threatening hepatic failure have been reported in patients treated with Serzone.”

If you have used Serzone and feel you might have a liver injury or ailment caused by the use of this drug, look to Brooks for a free case review today.

Risperdal Lawsuits

Risperdal is used to reduce the symptoms associated with schizophrenia, bipolar I, and acute mania in adults and children over 13. Further, it is sometimes prescribed to children between the ages of 5 and 16 for symptoms related to disorders on the autism spectrum.

Studies point to the risk of gynecomastia, male breast tissue growth, as well as galactorrhea, spontaneous discharge of milk-like substance from the breasts — conditions that may be alarming for both men and boys.

Johnson & Johnson, the maker of the drug, has lost several lawsuits over the marketing of the drug, which some lawsuits allege promoted off-label prescriptions outside of what the FDA had approved the drug to treat.

Learn more about Risperdal.


Many of the products we use in our day-to-day life simply make things easier. But some products can have toxic and even fatal effects.

Talcum Powder Lawsuits

More casually referred to as baby powder, Johnson & Johnson’s iconic product containing talcum powder has been used in America for quite some time.

However, as of 2017, Johnson & Johnson has lost four multimillion-dollar cases where victims have alleged the product led to ovarian cancer.

Learn more about Talcum powder.


When turning to a medical, pharmaceutical or care-providing professional for a service, most Americans trust their decisions and actions. However, sometimes that trust is broken.

Prescription Error Lawsuits

Not all issues with drugs occur on the manufacturer level. Sometimes prescription errors can lead to health concerns or even death.

Look to Brooks for more information on cases pertaining to prescription errors by calling for a free consultation today.

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Medical mistakes can happen. You have a right to turn to an attorney to explore your rights when you feel like you or someone you care about has been the victim of medical malpractice. Contact us today for a free case review.

Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuits

Assisted living facilities and nursing homes are meant to be a place where elders can get the care they need. However, too often, these places can be home to neglect and abuse.

Click here for more information on Nursing Home Abuse.

Medical Devices

Modern medicine has developed many devices to make patients’ lives easier and improve their quality of life. But sometimes those devices prove to have issues that manufacturers did not test properly or did not study fully.

Defective Hip Lawsuits

Medical devices used to resurface, replace partially, and fully replace the hip joint have proven to be problematic to some patients.

Symptoms of a defective hip implant include: hip, groin, leg or low-back pain; audible clicking or crunching sounds in the hip; sensation that one’s hip is not “in place”; decline in ability to do physical activity.

Even surgeries that did not fully replace the hip joint have had complaints. DePuy Orthopaedics, a unit of Johnson & Johnson, announced the recall of the DePuy ASR Hip Resurfacing System for a resurfacing or partial hip replacement because many patients required a second hip replacement surgery after the device failed.

The Zimmer, Inc. Durom Cup (also known as Durom Acetabular Component) was phased out of the market. The company cited low sales as the reason. However, in the spring of 2008, Dr. Lawrence Dorr with Dorr Institute for Arthritis Research and Education Foundation found that an increasing number of his patients needed revision surgeries after having the Durom Cup implanted. He sent letters to members of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons warning them of the failure rates. It was only then that Zimmer announced it would stop selling the Durom Cup.

If you have experienced complications after a hip joint surgery, reach out today for a free case evaluation.

Metal-on-Metal Hip Implant Lawsuits

Metal-on-metal hip implants have been manufactured by several medical device companies. While the devices are intended to alleviate joint issues by serving as a replacement, many patients report pain and other post-surgical issues after receiving such an implant.

Read more about metal-on-metal hip implants.

Metal-On-Metal Knee Implant Lawsuits

Metal-on-metal knee implants, like Zimmerman’s NexGen knee implants, are used in knee joint reconstruction.

However, some reports suggest that the metallic surfaces of such devices have abnormal wear and tear — sometimes even loosening, causing patients to need additional operations.

In 2008, adverse event reports began to surface in the FDA’s database of knee pain, indications of polyethylene wear, and variances in the sizes of implant components. In June 2009, the FDA announced a Class 2 recall of the Zimmer NexGen Legacy (LSD) knee. Class 2 recalls indicate that a medical device is “potentially dangerous.”

If you received a NexGen knee implant from Zimmerman, we urge you to contact us at Brooks for guidance on your legal rights.

Dialysis Machines, Granuflo, and NaturaLyte Lawsuits

When a patient is suffering from acute or chronic renal failure during hemodialysis, they may turn to a dialysis machine like those manufactured by Naturalyte and Granuflo.

But after an internal memo came to light saying a failure to properly use the machine was causing an increase in cardiac arrest deaths, many patients became aware of the risks of using the machines.

Read more about dialysis equipment.

Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuits

Used to treat pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence in women, transvaginal mesh has been linked to serious complications involving organ perforation and severe pain and scarring.

More than $20 million dollars in settlements have already been awarded to Florida women who said they were harmed as a result of transvaginal mesh.

Read more about transvaginal mesh.

Hernia Mesh Physio-Mesh Lawsuits

Ethicon, a manufacturer of Physio-mesh, sought to help patients with hernias; however, high rates of hernias continued while people used their Physio-mesh. Recurrence was a huge problem for Ethicon, resulting in the voluntary withdrawal of their Physio-mesh. Ethicon is fighting many lawsuits, and people who have suffered due to Ethicon’s Physio-mesh are filing class-action lawsuits against the company.

Read more about Physio-mesh.