Denied Disability Claims

Social Security Disability Attorney • Claim Reconsideration

Most Social Security Disability benefits (SSD benefits) applications are denied the first time they are submitted. In 40 of 50 states, the next step for a denied disability claim is the claim reconsideration process. There, claimants are usually denied again. Only a very small number of claim denials are overturned in the reconsideration process.

Have you been denied benefits?

If there is any possible way to win your case, we’ll work hard to find it. 1-888-WE-MEAN-IT (888-936-3264)

In ten states, the claim reconsideration process is skipped altogether under a Social Security pilot program, because of the very small number of claims being reversed on reconsideration. Whatever the current rule is in your state, after your first denial, it is a good idea to get an experienced Social Security Disability Insurance lawyer to represent you through the appeals process.

If you are interested in receiving help on your Social Security claim, please contact us for Free Case Evaluation or call at 1-888-WE-MEAN-IT (888-936-3264).

Please be sure to provide us with as much information as is reasonably available. The quality of our evaluation is dependent upon the accuracy of the information you provide to us.

Any initial consultation with our firm is free. For more information, call us at 1-888-WE-MEAN-IT (888-936-3264), or contact us by e-mail.