A common question we hear from our clients is: ‘Why do I need a lawyer if I have insurance?’. We wanted to give some information to help you decide on how to proceed after a vehicle accident to obtain a settlement that you deserve. Navigating the insurance system involves understanding insurance laws and areas of coverage that are not made common knowledge to the policy holder. Let’s look at some points that can show the benefit of legal representation.

  1. PIP laws have changed-PIP stands for personal insurance protection (personal injury protection), and it is an extension of car insurance that covers medical expenses and, in many cases, lost wages. It is often called “no-fault” coverage because its inherent comprehensiveness pays out claims agnostic of who is at fault in the accident. There are new time limitations in getting treatment for your injuries that drastically effect the amount of PIP coverage your carrier will actually extend to you in your claim.
  2. Insurance adjusters take attorney supported claims more seriously. Insurance companies benefit when people try to handle their own claims. They know the accident victims are in a vulnerable state, perhaps in pain, unable to work, no transportation and may be concerned about financial distress. Some victims may think of a dollar amount that could put a ‘band-aid’ on the situation to be able to get back in a car and get to work without considering what is deserved for injuries, damage and future treatment needs. Insurance companies understand these issues affect your willingness to accept a settlement. Your attorney insures the company knows the real value of your case.
  3. Attorneys know insurance laws and areas of coverage that may exist in the policies of the parties in the accident that could potentially provide additional coverage for your loss. This information isn’t easy to find on your own. It often takes asset searches and other specialized investigations to uncover these sources of coverage. You need an attorney who thinks ‘outside the box’ and exhausts every resource to find you compensation for your claim.
  4. Insurance companies are in business; naturally they want to pay as little as possible to settle a claim. The insurance company for the offending vehicle may ask you for a recorded statement from you to determine your loss and amount of pay out they will allow. What are they allowed to ask you? What are they not allowed to ask you? Your answers can potentially, negatively affect what they will offer you in monetary compensation. Your attorney will personally meet with you and the statement will be at your attorney’s office so that your rights are protected with your best interests in mind.
  5. Many people aren’t knowledgeable about their own insurance policies and coverage. The terms and language used may seem foreign. You may have coverage in your own policy that can cover your injuries even if the ‘at fault’ vehicle has no insurance. Your attorney will tell you exactly what kind of coverage you are entitled to through your policy.

There are so many positives in considering a car accident attorney to take care of your claim. Your peace of mind that someone is fighting for you while you are recovering from injuries and getting back to your life is a huge benefit. Also, there is no out of pocket cost to you. Your attorney is fighting for you and only gets paid when you do. We are here for you at Brooks Law Group and we want to help.

Steve was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. As was the practice for new doctors his father worked day and night during his medical residency at Charity Hospital there. Steve comes from a long line of doctors. His father, his grandfather, his great grandfather, even two uncles were all specialists and/or surgeons in their chosen medical specialties, including internal medicine specialist, obstetrics / gynecology, neurosurgery and general practice / surgery. His great-great grandfather was the Surgeon General of Ohio during the Civil War.